The Zori (Tal."Mighty Folk") had been a mannish people that had inhabited the Zorian Wastes west of Tanara, the Cloudlords , Dúrakhani and possibly Sulini were supposed to be their descendants.
Many of the original Zori had been highly religious servants of the Lords of Essence, most had followed the Cult of Ezran into darkness and corruption while some, notably the descendants of the original Cloudlords, took a more or less agnostic position and became indifferent towards religious practices and deities.
The Zori spoke Zoridar or Rhakai a language often believed to have been the ancestor of Laan, Laranian, Plasi, Melur and Ranaka.Distantly related to Nelyarin Avarin.
Since the Durakhani are called kinsmen of the Wômaw it seems possible that the Zori were an Avatani Strain, other myths however tied them to the Talath.
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In ICE's Shadow world setting for Rolemaster the Zori and Laan are considered the High Men of Kulthea, descendants of a long lost but once widespread empire.
The Zori may be comparable to the Bactrians, Kushan, Yuezhi and Tocharians or northeastern siberian peoples as the Evenks and Itelmen.
- Loremaster:Cloudlords of Tanara