Yursal Skakali
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Emunu and Caior (sons) Harlenka (wife) Urso (Brother), Marcuz (Father)
Third Age, TA 2945
Fourth Age, about FO 16
Khand's Palace
Yursal Skakali was an male Variag, Emperor of the Skakali Clan.
TA 2945[]
Yursal was born in TA 2945, son of Marcuz.
TA 2959[]
In TA 2959, Yursal had an brother, Urso and in the same year, his father was poisoned by Kello, an assassin of another clan.
TA 2965[]
With the death of his father, Yursal became the head of the Skakali clan, his first move was the attack on Forest Raiba, were Kello's clan lived. He had victory, all enemies in the forest were slain.
TA 2970[]
He became powerfull in TA 2970, he defeated many clans and killed his father's enemies. His brother Urso, led an army against former gondorian city, Cair Andros, he failed. Urso was killed during the battle, In consequence, the rivality between the Skakali clan and Gondor emerged again.
TA 2980[]
In TA 2980, He had two sons, Emunu and Caior, with his wife Harlenka. The Skakali palace was attacked by the Itana Clan, causing the Battle of Skakali Palace. The Skakali Clan won, Itana clan emperor Skob was killed in the battle.
TA 3000[]
He made an alliance with Sauron.
TA 3019[]
He attacked Minas Tirith, with the arrival of the Army of the Dead, he was forced to fled, his son Caior was killed in the battle.
FO 16[]
He was killed in the Siege of Blunkolands. His son Emunu Succeeded him.