The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Two Trees of Valinor

The Years of the Trees (Q."Aldudánar") or the Ages of Bliss, were a times in the history of Arda, preceding the Years of the Sun and following the Years of the Stars and Years of the Lamps. This age was defined by the light of the Two Trees of Valinor, Telperion and Laurelin, which brought radiance and life to the Blessed Realm.


Dawn of Tress (Days of Bliss)[]

  • Y.T. 1 (Y.S. 1)Yavanna sings into being the Two Trees, Telperion and Laurelin, on the hill of Ezellohar. With Telperion's first blooming, the Count of Time begins.
  • Y.T. 1000 (Y.S. 9582) – The Valar hold counsel about the Children of Ilúvatar and prepare for their arrival. Varda begins arranging the stars into constellations.
  • Y.T. 1050 (Y.S. 10,061) – Varda forms the Valacirca as a challenge to Melkor. The first Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, marking the beginning of the First Age of the Years of the Trees.
  • YT 1050 (SY 10,061): Varda forges the Valacirca, the Sickle of the Valar. The first 144 Elves—Minyar, Tatyar, and Nelyar—awaken beside the waters of Cuiviénen.
  • YT 1080 (SY 10,349): Riders of Melkor discover the newly awakened Elves. Through torturous machinations, the first whispers of the Orcs are breathed into existence.
  • YT 1085 (SY 10,396): Oromë discovers the Elves and names them the Eldar.
  • YT 1090 (SY 10,444): The Valar declare war on Melkor in the Battle of the Powers. The earth shakes, and the shores of Beleriand form amidst great upheaval.
  • YT 1092 (SY 10,464): The Siege of Utumno begins. The North is devastated, and the seas are widened by the conflict.
  • Y.T. 1100 (SY 10,540) – Melkor is captured and imprisoned in Mandos for three Ages of the Valar. This marks the beginning of the Chaining of Melkor.

Noon of Trees (Chaining of Melkor)[]

  • YT 1100 / SY 10,540: Melkor is brought to Valinor, judged, and imprisoned in the Halls of Mandos for three Ages (300 Valian Years).
  • YT 1101 / SY 10,550: The Valar discuss how best to protect the Children of Ilúvatar. They resolve to bring the Elves to Valinor.
  • YT 1102 / SY 10,559: Oromë brings Ingwë, Finwë, and Elwë to Valinor as ambassadors of the Elves.
  • YT 1104 / SY 10,579: The three ambassadors return to Cuiviénen and encourage their kin to journey westward.
  • YT 1105 / SY 10,588: The First Sundering occurs: the Vanyar, Noldor, and Teleri begin their journey west, while the Avari, led by Morwë and Nurwë, remain in Cuiviénen.
  • YT 1115 (SY 10,684): The Second Sundering of the Elves unfolds as the host traverses beyond Greenwood the Great and reaches the River Anduin. Some Eldar, henceforth known as the Lindar, yearn to settle in these lands. Terrified by the menacing Hithaeglir, a contingent led by Lenwë journeys south.
  • YT 1125 / SY 10,780: The Vanyar and Noldor reach Beleriand and prepare to cross the sea.
  • YT 1130 / SY 10,828: Elwë meets Melian in Nan Elmoth, where they fall into a trance.
  • YT 1132 / SY 10,847: Ulmo raises an island of Tol Eressëa in the Bay of Balar to ferry the Elves. The Vanyar and Noldor cross to Valinor, leaving the Teleri behind to search for Elwë.
  • YT 1150 (SY 11,019): Olwë leads the majority of the Teleri from Beleriand, sailing upon Tol Eressëa. Those who remain behind continue their search for Elwë, becoming known as the Eglath and their leader is Círdan the Shipwright.
  • YT 1151 (SY 11,029): Through Ossë's intercession, Ulmo anchors Tol Eressëa beyond the Bay of Eldamar. The Teleri who choose to dwell on this island become the Falmari.
  • YT 1152 (SY 11,038): Elwë and Melian awaken from their profound trance. Transformed, with silver hair that reflects celestial light, Elwë becomes the sovereign of the Elves in Beleriand.
  • YT 1200 (SY 11,498): The Second Age of the Chaining of Melkor begins. Lúthien Tinúviel, the fairest of all Children of Ilúvatar, is born in Neldoreth, .
  • YT 1230 (SY 11,786): Finarfin, youngest son of Finwë and Indis, is born in Valinor.
  • YT 1250 (SY 11,978): Fëanor devises the Tengwar, the great writing system of the Noldor. In the same time, the Dwarves (Naugrim) first enter Beleriand and establish trade and relations with the Sindar, sharing skills and knowledge.
  • YT 1260 (SY ~12,057): Approximately around this time, the first formal trade exchanges occur between the Sindar and Dwarves of Belegost, foreshadowing their later partnership in building Menegroth.
  • YT 1280 (SY 12,265): Finarfin, known for his wisdom and peace-loving nature, weds Eärwen, the daughter of Olwë of Alqualondë, cementing ties between the Noldor and Teleri.
  • YT 1362 (SY 13,051): Galadriel (daughter of Finarfin) and Aredhel (daughter of Fingolfin) are born in Valinor.
  • YT 1380 (SY ~13,233): Around this time, Thingol strengthens his alliances with neighboring peoples, using the weapons crafted by the Dwarves to defend Doriath from emerging threats in Beleriand.
  • YT 1400 (SY 13,415): Release of Melkor.

Dusk of Trees (Days of Splendor)[]

Long Night (Darkening of Valinor)[]
