Books, scrolls, and written records played a crucial role in the preservation of history, lore, and wisdom throughout the lands of Middle-earth. While the Elves, Dwarves, and Dúnedain were the greatest keepers of knowledge, even lesser-known peoples maintained archives, songs, and tales in written form. The fate of many books was tied to the rise and fall of kingdoms, with some being lost in fire and war, while others endured as priceless heirlooms of the Free Peoples.
Notable Works[]
- 1001 Uses for Troll-Dung
- a Aina Neldië Eru Er órava (o)messë
- a Eruion Mardorunando, Eru órava (o)messë
- A Guide to the Quiet Knife
- A History on the travels of one Milo of Buckland
- a Hrísto órava ómessë
- A Keen Blade
- A light on the haunts
- A Shot in the Dark
- A Tinker's Guide
- A Woodsman's Guide
- A Yeoman's Guide
- A-Z of Poisons
- Adûnai Anthologies
- Aia María quanta Eruanno
- Ainulindalë
- Airë María Eruo ontaril
- Akallabêth
- Alagos
- Alcaron's Scroll
- Alchemic and Apothecary Handbook
- Alchemy for Beginners
- Aldudénië
- Alternative Alchemy
- Ambarkanta
- Ambarto Cunduro
- Amillë Hristo
- An Armourer's Guide
- An Armsman's Guide
- An Explorer's Guide
- Anañolmë
- Anaxartaron Onyalië or Of the Ents and the Eagles
- Annals of Aman
- Annals of Beleriand or Inias Beleriand
- Annals of Elendil's line
- Annals of Quennar i Onótimo
- Annals of Lindon
- Annals of Nurunkizdin
- Annals of Westernesse
- Ancient Bann Scroll
- Ancient Cardolan Codex
- Ancient Cardolan Manual
- The Annals of the Kings and Rulers
- Anqualë Thangoront i on ("Death Agony of the Thangorodrim")
- The Arts of Nahamë or Carmë Nahamë
- Book of Antidotes
- The Apotheosis of Telimektar
- Arda Hastaina
- Arda Vanya
- Arthadan Chronicle of the Years
- Arthadan Tradelaws
- Arthedain Scholar's Map
- Assembled scarlet journals
- Atanatarion
- Atandil and the Kraken
- Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth
- Balin's Book
- Ballad of Wandlimb
- bath-house plays
- Bedtime Stories
- the Bellakarian tradition
- Bergil's Odyssey
- Bêth Nimîrada
- Bilbo's Diary
- Bilbo's will
- Black Book
- Black Book of Gorthad
- Black book of Mordor
- The Black Porogwil
- Book of Adanel
- The Book of Agaldor the Magician
- Book of Ages
- Book of Aredhel
- Book of Aulë's Children
- Book of Andraax
- Book of Ballads
- Book of Battle Plans
- Book of Beasts
- Book of Blazing Truth
- Book of Combat Techniques
- Book of Defensive Manoeuvres
- Book of Dwarf-prose
- Book of Eldacar
- Book of Elements
- Book of Elor
- Book of Eol
- Book of Evasive Manoeuvres
- Book of Festival-law
- book of Fiery Truth
- Book of Flora & Fauna
- Book of green Light
- Book of Gwerniod
- Book of Herbs
- Book of Hours and Seasons
- Book of Icelore
- Book of Ingredients
- Book of Intellectual Techniques
- Book of Keels
- Book of Kings
- Book of Lakes
- Book of Lore
- Books of Lore or Translations from the Elvish
- Book of Malkôra
- Book of Mazarbul
- Book of Poetry
- Book of Runes
- Book of Sarnemor
- Book of Stewards
- Book of the Whisper-draw
- Book of the Wind-rider
- Book of Yesh
- the brewer and the sea-elf thirst
- Bullroarer's Boy:The Compleat Accounts of the Marvelous Adventures and Mighty Exploits of Haldemar Took
- Burglar -The Gambler
- Catalog of Adrahil
- Celebrimbor's Notebooks
- Certhas Daeron or “Daeron’s Runes”
- chants of the dwarves
- Chieftains of the Dúnedain
- Children of the Valar
- Chronicle of Cirion and Eorl
- Chronicles of the Kings of Gondor
- Chronicles of the Mark
- Chronicles of the Northern Kingdoms
- Collected Jornals of the scarlet Books
- The collected Teachings of the Grey Hand
- Collected works of Pengoloð
- Collection of Dunlending Text
- The Coming of the Adanil
- The complete and annotated riddles of the Westlands
- Common School Hand-books
- The Converse of Manwë and Eru
- Conversations with Andraax
- The Conversations of Ar-Pharazôn and Zigurûn
- The Curuhyarmi Turcolo
- Cyclopedia of herbs
- Dagor Dagorath
- Dalebók
- Dangweth Pengolodh
- The Dark Tree
- the deed of Ulman
- Demonology
- Diaries of the many-voiced
- Diary attributed to the monk ch'a k'aun t'ze
- Diary of Nicoli
- Diary of the evil high-priest
- Diary of the Mystic Harkmar
- Diary of the Ranger Lothrax
- dirge of the sea-elves song
- Dorgannas Iaur
- Drama of the Silver Tree
- The Drowning of Anadûnê
- the duchess and the elf
- the dumb slave
- Dunland Atlas
- Dunland Lore-book
- Dunland Tablet
- Durin's Song
- Dyspepsia, Bile and ill humors
- Eärendillinwë
- Eärnil's Scroll
- Eastemnet Atlas
- Eastemnet Jeweller's Journal
- Eastemnet Journal
- Eastemnet Lore-book
- Eastemnet Scholar's Journal
- Edelesboc
- Egalmir’s records
- The Eight and tenth book of Tar-Elendil the King
- Eldacil's diaries
- Eldanyárë
- Elena's mist
- the Elixirs of the Garden
- Elrond's Note
- Emetics, Lavages and Purging
- Eruamillë
- Erulissë
- Essence and Being
- Essential Encyclopedia
- Etya Namar Númenóreo
- even clowns weep even emperors laugh
- Explorer's Almanac
- the Family Way
- Fangorn Book of Precision
- Fangorn Book of Spirit
- Fangorn Book of Vigilance
- Fastitocalon (Book)
- Fëanor's Spellbooks
- fight and feast
- Finduilas'fire
- finish up some fancy men
- Fireside Tales of the Shire
- the fisherman and the fish-knife
- fishers of girt song
- fishgut justice
- The five-pointed Star
- Folk rhymes of the Downsmen
- For Honour, Duty and Love
- the Flame of Anór or the Book of Secret Fire
- Gandalf's Map
- Gandalf's Note
- Gerebert's Journal
- Gest of the drowned dwarves
- the gilded paramour
- Goldbook of Enlightment
- the Grant of Settlement
- Greed persuaded
- Gurth Isildurion
- i Equessi Rumilo
- Geography of Atalantë
- Gil-galad's letter
- Golden Book of Tavrobel
- The Golden Atan-Mavar
- Golu o Maeth
- Gondorian civil laws
- the Grand Parf Lúith
- Grey Annals
- Grey Book
- Guide to Aldburg
- Guide to Angmar
- Guide to Arnach
- Guide to Caras Galadhon
- Guide to Dol Amroth
- Guide to East Angmar
- Guide to Echad Dúnann
- Guide to Evendim
- Guide to Forlaw
- Guide to Galtrev
- Guide to Harndirion
- Guide to Helm's Deep
- Guide to Minas Tirith
- Guide to Mirk-eaves
- Guide to Ost Guruth
- Guide to Snowbourn
- Guide to Stangard
- Guide to Sûri-kylä
- Guide to the Burglar
- Guide to the Misty Mountains
- Guide to the Twenty-first Hall
- Guide to the War-stead
- Guide to West Angmar
- Hammed's Guide to the use of the Fist
- Herblore of the Shire
- the hero's lie
- high pitched laughter from a flying horse
- The History of Tyrn Gorthad
- Hurtful Magiks
- Hwesta balanwe
- Illuminated Dunland Atlas
- Illuminated Dunland Lore-book
- Illuminated Fangorn Book
- Illuminated Great River Book
- Illuminated Record of the Race of Man
- Illuminated Scroll of Kings
- Illuminated Westemnet Atlas
- Illuminated Westemnet Journal
- Illuminated Westemnet Lore-book
- Illuminated Westemnet Record
- Illuminated Westfold Atlas
- Illuminated Westfold Lore-book
- Indis i·Ciryamo or The Mariner’s Wife: the (unfinished) tale of Aldarion and Erendis
- Ínias Dor-Rodyn or “Annals of Valinor”
- Irmina Telume
- Iron Hill Sagas
- Izuzhabûra Flokgrumbul agh Gauknulum
- Janwyn's Dragons and Wyrms of Endor
- Journal of Targen Huor
- Journal of Teglin Formennar
- Journeyman Jeweller's Journal
- Journeyman Metalsmith's Journal
- Journeyman Tailor's Journal
- Journeyman Weaponsmith's Journal
- Journeyman Woodworker's Journal
- Judkin's Scrolls
- Kat Polozaj
- Kenta Menesselion Andûnoresse
- The Key of King Tar-Elendil
- Keystone Scroll
- King´s letter
- the king of all lands
- The King of Lhûn
- The King's Laws
- Kloan Dzarbek
- Knee-breaker's Manual
- Kuduk Lore
- Laer Cú Beleg
- Laerdan's Note
- Lámaquenta
- Lámasampanë
- Lament of Daeron
- last play last laugh
- Laws and Customs among the Eldar
- The Lay of the Fall of Gondolin
- The Lay of Eärendil
- Lay of Leithian
- Letters of Bilbo Baggins
- Letter to Elrond
- The Letter of the Aratar
- The Lhammas
- Lindëfirion
- Linde Narsilion
- the little Illi Alcarin
- Lore of the Underdwellers
- Lore-master's Book of the Third Age
- The Lost Tales
- Lothlórien Survival Guide
- Maeth Edlothiad
- Maggot Note
- Manual of Ring-lore
- Manual of the Bagpipes
- Manual of the Clarinet
- Manual of the Cowbell
- Manual of the Drums
- Manual of the Flute
- Manual of the Harp
- Manual of the Horn
- Manual of the Moor Cowbell
- Manual of the Pibgorn
- Manual of the Theorbo
- Map of Earnil
- Map of Ered Luin
- Map to Mithril
- Már Nestare
- Mariel's Runes of Compression
- the mask of race
- Master Jeweller's Journal
- Master Metalsmith Expertise
- Master Metalsmith's Journal
- Master Tailor Expertise
- Master Tailor's Journal
- Master Weaponsmith Expertise
- Master Weaponsmith's Journal
- Master Woodworker Expertise
- Master Woodworker's Journal
- The Mausta Utumneo
- Melodies of the Valar
- Mentor Manual
- Mentoring the Bagpipe
- Mentoring the Drum
- Mentoring the Flute
- Mentoring the Harp
- Mentoring the Moor Cowbell
- Mentoring the Theorbo
- Mere Vardo
- Minstrel's Songbook of the Third Age
- Mirenna Arts
- Morthonicu
- Mysteries of the Shadow
- Namanar Ataniion
- Namnar Númenóreo
- Narn i Chîn Húrin or i·Veleglind i eithro en estar i·Chîn Húrin
- Narsilion
- the new Jewel of health
- Noldolante
- Note of Saruman
- Notebook of the Arch-mage
- Notebook of the Astrologer
- Notebook of the Healer
- Notebook of the unknown clerik of the order of S'orr
- Nurtale Valinóreva
- Nyarna Valarianden
- Nyarna Valinóren
- Of Beleriand and its Realms
- Of the Death of Túrin Turambar
- Of Leaf and Twig
- Oiencarmë
- the Old Hope
- Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age
- Old Willow Note
- Old Words and Names in the Shire
- On the longer and lesser kindreds
- On the Patterns of Wind and Rain
- On the rights and properties of bachelor Hobbits
- On the Rings of Power
- Ondolinde
- Ondonórë Nómesseron Minaþurië
- The Grand Oracle of Menel
- Orange Book
- Origin of the tales involving the magical texts of Ur
- Ósanwe-kenta
- os i Veleglinn i edain agorer vi Veleriann
- Outfitting Yourself and Others
- Parmar Angriëion
- Parmar Eminoturion
- Parmar Eminotyaliër Ambarenyaron
- Parma Culuina
- Parma Hyarmenorion
- Parma Kuluinen
- Parma-ne-Taith
- Parma Soronorion
- Parma Úlairion
- Past, Present and Future
- Pelrandir Permellon
- Pergwath Rimedam
- The Princess of Harondor
- Prophecies of the Necromancer
- Quean school's children's bridge
- Quendi and Eldar
- Quenta
- Quenta Eldalien, being the History of the Elves, by John Arthurson
- Quenta Noldorinwa
- Quenta Silmarillion
- Quentalë Ardanornion
- Quentale Nestaleo Ardanórion
- Quorinómi
- Rauconolmë
- The Realm of the Ùmaiar
- Record of the Race of Man
- Red Book of the Periannath
- Reckoning of Years
- Religious Subversion
- Return to Aldburg
- Return to Arnach
- Return to Bree
- Return to Derndingle
- Return to Dol Amroth
- Return to Enedwaith
- Return to Forlaw
- Return to Galtrev
- Return to Helm's Deep
- Return to Lalia's Market
- Return to Minas Tirith
- Return to Mirkwood
- Return to Snowbourn
- Return to Stangard
- Return to the War-stead
- Return to Thorin's Gate
- Rochon Methestel (Book)
- Runes of Glamour
- The Holy Sayings of Ulfast
- The Sairina
- Scroll of the Seer P'Trich Al Maloon
- Scarlet Diaries and Commentary
- Scroll of Dunlending Battle Lore
- Scroll of Dunlending Warding Lore
- Scroll of Estaban
- Scroll of Flói
- Scroll of Isildur
- Scroll of Kedin and Melin
- Scroll of Kings
- Scroll of Minas Tirith
- Scroll of Óin
- Scroll of Riddermark Battle Lore
- Scroll of Riddermark Warding Lore
- The Scrolls of Fuinur's Well
- Scrolls of the Two Tribes
- the sea-elf princess
- The Second Prophecy of Mandos
- Secrets of Building
- The Secrets of Gold
- Secrets of Shipbuilding
- Secret Teachings of the First Temple
- The Seal of Tar-Elendil the King
- Sermon of Dolbúr
- Seven Books of Mazarbul
- Siriondil's Memoirs
- The Sixth and Seventh Book of Beör
- Skirmish Field Manual
- the slave's mistress
- Song of Eärendil
- Song of Goldberry the River-Daughter
- Song of Light
- Song of two trees
- Songs and satires and satires
- Speakings of the fire
- Spirited Scroll of Anórien
- Spirited Scroll of the Mark
- Spirited Scroll of the Westfold
- The Sworn book of Malbeth the Seer
- Suimbilmynas
- The Taina Mornólë
- Tale of Adanel
- The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen
- Tale of Maglor
- Tale of Years
- Tales of Days long past
- Tarat Balazain
- The Teachings of Balsha
- The Teachings of Herumor
- Thain's Book
- The Artisan Blade
- The Banes of the new Shade
- The Basics of Fishing
- The Best Defence
- The Boiling Rage
- The Book of Beasts
- The Book of Nature
- The Book of Oaths
- The Candle's Flame
- The Furthest Charge
- The Historian's Guide
- The Jolly Hunter
- The Journal of Abrazân, an Exile
- The Learned Firstborn
- The Magic of Mael's
- Thórin's Letter
- Thrór's Map
- The Master of the Charge
- The Path Less Trod
- The Philosophical Curumo
- The Roll
- The Seven Tablets
- The Tale of Years (Chronology of the Westlands)
- The Tome of Swords
- The Verses of the North
- the Vision of Finrod
- The Watch Against the Night
- The Thothweg
- Thror's Map
- The Testament of Tar-Palantir the King
- Tome of Atanatar
- Tomes of the higher Mind
- Tome of the Illusionist
- Tome of Old Rattlepacks
- Tome of Tanglemane
- Tome of the Aurochs Calf
- Tome of the Black-beak Cave-claw
- Tome of the Blue Beetle
- Tome of the Blue Lizard
- Tome of the Brown Fox
- Tome of the Brown Rabbit
- Tome of the Brown Sheep
- Tome of the Brown Snake
- Tome of the Brown Squirrel
- Tome of the Cat
- Tome of the Copper-back Frog
- Tome of the Distant Cousin
- Tome of the Dog
- Tome of the Dorking Chicken
- Tome of the Dusty Shrew
- Tome of the Fire Grim
- Tome of the Fog Frog
- Tome of the Fox
- Tome of the Frog
- The Tome of Mordor
- Tome of War Campaigns
- Tome of War Stories
- Tome of Wisdom
- the tragedy of the fish
- tragedy of the golden king
- Translations from the Elvish
- Travels in Enedhwaith
- Travels of a Stranger in southern Endor
- a treatise on subtle makiks
- Treatise on Daenael
- Treatise of Lamhir the Wise
- Trenan Bronand - the Survivor's Tale
- The True firy Fóalokë
- The Tuilë Culuina
- Turambar and the Foalókë
- Túrin's Elegy
- The Two Noble Kinsmen of Pelargir
- Uinendilante
- Ulman's song
- Ulmo's lullaby
- Umbarean civil laws
- Vagabond´s Guide
- Valaquenta
- Vinyar Silmarillion
- Wall Runes
- Weaponsmithing Lore
- West Farthing Remedies
- Wind and Water
- the wisdom of the Eldar
- Wishes of Woel Laebur
- Woodworking Lore
- Words of Alûva
- Yavannacanwa
- Yellowskin
- Yénië Valinóreo
- Yénonótië: the Counting of Years
- A Yeoman's Guide