The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

A wandering Chawul

The Woodmen of the farthest-east (Wm."Chawul") were an enigmatic people of the Second Age. They inhabited the vast Forest-Lands of the utter east, in neighbourhood to the Avari. Originally primitive, forest-dwelling tribes, they came under the influence of Wômaw emissaries (who at the time had been taught by both Avari-Elves and the Dragon Utumkodur), and evolved into the Aegaw and Lôkaw (the Lôkhans), two tribes which were counted as Wômaw.The Woodmen probably were closely related to the Kûiwak and the Sûrk (the Sûrk having Kuiwak and the Lôkhans having Sûrk ancestors). A small minority of woodmen, the Lemnbarbátsi, seem to have remained in the deeper woodlands, still lagging behind in the technology of the Age.
