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the Realm of Angmar

The Witch-realm of Angmar, also known as the Land of Angmar, (S: lit. "Iron-home") was founded around T.A. 1300 by the “Witch-king”, a disguise of the Lord of the Nazgûl. An evil realm, it lay nestled in and along the icy flanks of the northern Misty Mountains (S. "Hithaeglir"), in the high plateau of northeastern Eriador, and also the Gundalok Shelf and adjacent areas of the Upper Anduin Vales on the east side of the mountains in Rhovanion. Between T.A. 1301 and 1974, Angmar warred on Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur, the three Dúnadan successor states to old Arnor.

The Realm[]


Banner of Angmar (LotRSBG)

Angmar in T.A. 1640-1650:

  • Political Organization: Military Autocracy or Dictatorship.
  • Capital: Carn Dûm.
  • Rulers: The Witch-king (Lord of the Nazgûl); the Ongûlûn, Spokesman of Angmar; Dancu and Rogrog, Warlords.
  • Administrative Organization: All power rests with the Witch-king, and all property is ultimately his. The Witch-king appoints his assistants, high priests, and generals, who carry out his commands with an iron fist. The land is divided into military districts, each responsible for maintaining a portion of Angmar's large standing army.
  • Population: ca 300.000 Angmarrim and 100.000 Orcs.
  • Military: approx. 40.000 Men and 10.000 Orcs.
  • Products: weapons, iron, slaves, cattle (West-Angmar), grain (East-Angmar).
  • Symbol: A Red Fortress on a Black Field.

The name "Angmar" still strikes terror into the hearts of all the Free Peoples who recall the peace and glory of the days of the great Kingdom of Arnor. The Witch-king, seemingly immortal, had for three centuries ceaselessly antagonized the Dúnedain of the North. His hordes of Orcs and Men awaited the day when they could plunder the last remaining strongholds of Arthedain. Until that day, the Witch-king had executed a strategy of attrition, watching the strength of the Dúnedain grow fainter with each coming winter.
The Witch-king of Angmar, actually the greatest of Sauron's Nazgûl, executed the orders of his dark master, bringing despair to the heirs of Isildur. Of the three fragments of Arnor, he had made a puppet of Rhudaur and crushed the royal family and stability of Cardolan. Only Arthedain remained to face his might. Although holding vastly superior numbers, the Witch-king waited to deal the final blow, for he and his master had learned the lessons of rashness in the past. While the Dúnedain waned, Angmar practiced a campaign of subversion, occasionally sending an Orc-tribe to test the readiness of Arthedain. The lack of cohesion among the Witch-king's forces was perhaps his greatest liability, as his Orcs and Men fought among themselves almost as frequently as they did against the Dúnedain. Apart from his elite forces based in Carn Dûm, the Witch-king had to play upon tribal politics to amass any sizeable army. Though one of the most powerful beings in Middle-earth, the Lord of Morgûl had nonetheless to rely upon the whips of his lieutenants to preserve order when he could not lend his own terrifying presence.
The Witch-king had many allies who aided him in his goal. The Orc-lords of Mount Gundabad and the Misty Mountains both payed him homage, although he exercised little authority over them in times of peace. His other agents were many and powerful, ranging from the Warlord in central Cardolan to the Hillman King Broccach in Rhudaur. The Witch-king also played a significant role in the politics of the East, dominating many tribes of Easterlings and influencing others to unwittingly act in his interests. Finally, a large number of spies and assassins carried out numerous covert missions for Angmar, always acting to weaken the Dúnedain and their allies.

Angmar was a dark land, influenced by the malignant power of its master, far colder than surrounding regions, bitter winds from the North hurled ice and snow at Angmar's legions. Most of the Witch-king's subjects lived on the rocky valley known as the Nan Angmar, a dreary and barren plain. Life under the Witch-king's influence was harsh. The climate appears to grow more severe each year. The unforgiving soil grudgingly allowed the peasantry to keep themselves from starvation, but many supplies for the Witch-king's army had be imported from the East and South. Some scrawny livestock grazed on the wind-scarred hill sides, but meat was a rare delicacy in the Angmarean diet. Slaves mined copper and iron in the mountains to fuel the rapacious army which the Witch-king kept mustered at all times. For its harsh climate and terrain, Angmar supported a huge population. The Witch-king had devised an ingenious system of supply, bringing food to his troops along a well-guarded caravan route that stretched even all the way to Rhûn and Enedhwaith. The warlords of Angmar ruled the land as a military camp, keeping a tight grasp on all economic affairs. A class of warrior-priests maintained order within the kingdom. Much of the food and durable supplies came in caravans across the secure passes in the northern Misty Mountains. Agents of the Witch-king then distributed these goods to the fortresses and towns. Corruption throve in the system away from the eyes of the Witch-king, according to the few spies who escaped that blasted land.

Regions and Rivers[]


Placenames in Angmar

T.A. 1650[]

Adastar; Aksa Ruin; Anaroth River; Angirith; Angmar Gap; Angmar-Road; Anghir; Anghiril Cut; Anghiril Valley; Audipar; Bare Hill; Batti; Canke; Canur; Carest; Ceredigion; Cilab; Croit; Cold Plain; Deldined; Den Lóke; Dur-Skuthrugai; Dur-Uruk-Kosh; Dur-Uruk-Lûgat; Dyr Úvadan; East-Angmar; Emyn Nimbrith; Ephel Angmar; Fereic; Forjagsh; Forovirkain; Gabhra river; Gundalok; Hanging Valley; Helkasiril; High Fells; Highmoor; Hills of Angmar; Hithaeglir Forn; Hithaeglir Harn; Hurizug Varg; Hyarjagsh; Jataka; Kanclemas; Kosha territory; Langwell; Lôkosîr; en Angmar; Nan Angmar; Nan Gorthrim; Nan Lóke; Nanil Ruin; North Downland; Ogh Ashdurbûk; Parth Gurthil; Parth Hithrim; Plain of Litash; Rakil; River Rum; Rónen-in-Anduin; Royal Domain; Rut Anghiril; Sad Hills; Scrubby Tundra; Sweicelis; Talath Litash; Taur Orthon; Tulban; Turnas; Vigznas; West-Angmar; Zgur-boshok

T.A. 2941-3018[]

Black Hills; Burial Bog; Frozen Path; Golfimbul's Gully; Grey Waste; ong Valley; Red Valley; Vales of Gundabad; Werewolf Hollow

T.A. 3019[]

Accursed Battlefield; Duvuinen; Eastern Malenhad; Fasach-falroid; Fasach-larran; Gorothlad; Himbar; Imlad Balchorth; Nan Gurth; Ram Dúath; Western Malenhad

Settlements and Places of Note[]

T.A. 1650[]

Ahûs; Aksa Ruin; Angmar's Grave; Anghul; Ascarnil's Place; Ashilsari; Ashkandur; Ashkadurl; Audeld; Barad Eldanar; Barad Morkai; Barad Shedun; Baruk-Zigil; Beacons of Angmar; Blerei; Bryamor; Cargash; Carn Dûm; Cerdim; Certhrec; Crudu; Daeron's Pool; Den Lóke; Deorin; Devoke; Durkandar; Eagduru; Erva; Evru; Faltor Gûl; Gab-agh; Garzûgûl; Girchiron; Gloranon; Gorfarg's Cave; Gram; Grontar; Grumbull; Gundabad; Gurrh´s hole; Gurzgavarr; Gurzûgûl; Haroburg; Hebidir; Hemnolaud; Idima; Kala Migulûrz; Kala Uruk-Lûgât; Karmaz Devuk; Kaushar Faltor; Korahm; Kosh-Largat; Kosh-Madh; Kosh-Vor; Kuska; Lesbleic; Litash; Lughilsarik; Mindil Kepich; Mukargs last refuge; Mûthak Skug; Neddig; Pudarid; Ravda; Remrath; Road Towers; Rugamba; Rukh Kûtotaz; Sasinas; Shanik's lair; Shartab-srûfos; Shart ap-Krûal; Smagothruz; Smyeka; Sonotor's Mound; Storugoruz; Storugpruz; Suk Skuthruga; troll-hole; Ugulai; Vamnas; Vusbas; Vûtar Fshat; Woumis; Zaboth Ran; Zarak Dûm; Zenlyar

T.A. 2941-3018[]

Dark Cave; Lost Watchtower; Peak of Mount Gram; Ranger's Refuge; Tower of Icy Flame

T.A. 3019[]


Central Angmar in TA 3019

Altar of Midwinter; Aughaire; Bail Boglakh; Bail Cátharnakh; Bail Dílas; Bail Grundail; Bail Róva; Barad Gúlaran; Barad Lughilsarik; Broken Battlements; Bûrzum Pushdug; Carn Dûm; Dark Halls; Donnvail; Dor Gûl; Dûn Covád; Dol Baran; Dol Gormaen; Duvairë; Fail-á-Khro; Fervar; Frith-vailë; Gabilshathûr; Gate of Gath Uior; Gath Forthnír; Gaurakh's Lair; Gorothlad; Gorthbar; Grishbalt; Gurthlin; Gwambar; The Halls of Night; Iorelen's Camp; Krúslë; Lannan; Lehmä-koti; Maethad; Mor Maudhúl; Morfil; Myrkworth; Nûrz Ghâshu; Ologfil; Ongbishúk; Rhunendin; Skathmúr; Tármunn Súrsa; Tór Gailvin; Tyrn Lhuig; Unholy Crypt; Urugarth; Witch King's palace


T.A. 1650[]

T.A. 3019[]






Ainur: Gûlavhar; Lurker in the Long Valley

Dwarves: T.A. 3019 Gulla

Elves: Carambor

Men: T.A. 1640

Harband; Harluinar; Broccach; Carnil; Durac; Fornagath; Furn; Heludar; Jukath; Nudan; Sarkar; Surk

Men: T.A. 1975

Alcarin the Wizard; Bhaltair

Men: T.A. 3019

Agandaur; Amarthiel; Belegorn; Elerina; Gúrthul; Mordirith; Mordrambar; Morguldur; Morken; Runsig; Wulfrun

Orcs: Ashkronk; Azog; Bulthrok; Burzash; Deadly One; Gorganog; Gorkil; Oomaug; Hushkash; Shaknar; Tharzog

Trolls: Buhrdûr; Ghorg; Ologg; Rogash; Rogrog

Others: Azkhorâkh; Corlagon the Red; Daechanar; Gaurakh; Kharizâkh; Murazorâkh; Scorba; Steward of Carn-Dûm; Thaurdir; Ûrgost



Aath-baalum; Angmarean Stink-Badgers; Ash-crawlers; Barghests; bats; beavers; black-and-white porcupine; Black Bears; Blade-Beaks; blue hare;Brimstone-leeches; Brown Bears; buzzards; Cave Bears; Cave-Drakes; Cattmag; Cliff Buzzards; Cold-Drakes; Cold-worms; Crows; Deer; degmoig; degmurg; Ducks; Edling; fell beasts; Feral Wargs; Fire-Drakes; Fire-worms; fish; Flitting Shriekers; Gwistir; Giant Lizards; Giant Spiders; Golden Eagles; golden-red winged fire-drakes; great crows; Great Eagles; Great Elk; Great Serpents; Great Vampire Bats; Grey Crows; Grey Wolves; ground rodents; grouse; hares; Hill-Beasts; Hornets; Horses; Ice-Drakes; Iron-Oxen; Ironscales; Kraken; land drakes; Losrandir; mice; Moose; Mountain Goats; mountain sheep; Norboglir; North Bears; Pit Vipers; ptarmigan rabbits; rats; red deer; Rock-worms; rodents; small cold-drakes; snowshoe-hare; Swamp-flies; Swamp-lurkers; tree-bats; War-Wolves; War-Wargs; White Powan; White Wolves; Wild Goats; Wolfdogs

Other: Baleful Shades; cave trolls; Fell Wraiths; ghouls; gortorogs; hill trolls; moaning spectres; Morroval; skeletons; snow trolls; stone trolls; Thaurdir's Damned; wights; Werewolves


Lebellas; Arkasú; Oroluin; Arlandal; armanumas; Orrain; Ash; athelas; Calenhwan; barnaie; bartrull; bilberry; birch; buckthorn; celandine; cloudberry; Cowslips; Culan; currant bushes; Spearleaf; Dúran; Drûth; Elben´s basket; Elendil's Spear; Elm; Flax; Flowering Moss; Forrzhunk; Foxtail grass; Allweal; Harlindar; hazel; holly; jessamine; Galathrían; Lâtha; leastwillow; ling heather; Maiana; manicheel tree; Harúrë; Meadow Fescue; meadow rue; Mírëtar's Crown; moss campion; mossy cyphel; Mrraun; Nelthandon; oak; pine; poison ivy; rowan; Rúmareth; Sedge; silaren; Thindolluin; snakeroot goldenrod; spindleberry; Strawflowers; Súranië; Teldalion; Thistle; Tulaxar; Wild Rye; willow; witch hazel

See also[]


  • MERP: Angmar
  • MERP: Angmar Land of the Witch King
  • MERP: Arnor
  • MERP: Empire of the Witch King
  • MERP: Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook II
  • MERP: Middle Earth Campaign Guide
  • MERP: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
  • wiki