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The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Demons of the wind and air, the diabolical Winds of Angataurë (or Tëarenga as the Avari spelt it) served the whims of Tiuri-clax, evil Priest of the Court of Aranórë in the Mûmakan region of southernmost Middle-earth. The evil bargain that Tiuri-clax had made with the Winds was that he would suffer with his new allies when they were "killed" (impossible to do) or incapacitated by becoming incapacitated himself.

The Winds appeared as slender figures wrapped, cloaked, and masked in black. They were armed with evil magical blades known as kynacs; these blades were poisoned. The Winds could change into the form that their name implied, and in this way they could enter any place that was not airtight; they were able to carry their weapons with them while doing so. They could not fight in this form, however, and it took them quite a while to regain solid status (or vice versa); they could not change form while stunned.

The Winds were called, from least to mightiest, Aûr, Kax, Eos, Can, Ior, and Kel. When destroyed in any fashion, the Winds returned to Tiuri-clax's fortress of Tëarenga and recovered for 66 days. Tiuri-clax was out of action for the number of days equal to the level of the defeated Wind.


  • MERP:The Court of Ardor in Southern Middle Earth