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The New Notion Club Archives

Westron, Annúnaid or Adûni was a late form of Adûnaic mixed with elements of indigenous languages, mostly from the edainic peoples of Eriador and Rhovanion but to some degree also with elements from the daen tongues.

The Westron was the official and most spread language in the ancient lands of Arnor and Gondor and it´s former provinces and had become the usual trade and colloquial language in the lands from Rhovanion to Rhûn and Haradwaith although tribal languages still remained prominent in the lands further removed from the Westlands. Therefore the Westron was also simply known as Sôval Phârë or the Common speech.



  • Adûni - Western, Westron
  • Annúnaid - Western, Westron
  • Banakil - Halfling
  • Barabatta - Quicktalker
  • Bralda-hîm - heady ale
  • Brandagamba - Marchbuck
  • Branda-nîn - Border-water (Brandywine River)
  • Castar - silverCoin
  • Gamba - Buck
  • Gandalf - according to one version a Westron name meaning "Staff-man"
  • Hamanullas - small blue flower (Lobelia)
  • Hîma - Ale, Beer
  • Hlothram - Cottager
  • Incánus - according to one version a westron name meaning "grey wanderer"
  • Kali - merry
  • Karningul - Rivendell
  • Kast - Mathom
  • Kastar
  • Kuduk - Halfling, Hobbit
  • Laban - bag
  • Lôgrad - rohirric- westron meaning "Horse-march"
  • Maura - Wise
  • Narag - Dwarf
  • Nas - people
  • Neg - end
  • Nîn - Water
  • Phârë - speech
  • Phurunargian - Dwarrow Delf
  • radagast - according to one version a westron name meaning "Tamer of beasts"
  • Razanur - Wanderer, Peregrin
  • Razar - small red Apple, a Pippin
  • Sôval - Common
  • Sûza - Shire
  • Tarkil - man of Númenorean descent
  • Tharan - Quarter, Four
  • Trân - Smial
  • Tud -Watch, Guard
  • Tûran, Tûrac - rohirric-westron meaning "King"
  • Zara - old


Because a lot of the root words featured for Westron hardly seem Indo-European, such as the word "ban" for "half", "zir" for "wise", "nin" for "water", and "laban" for "bag", one has to wonder if Indo-European sources were intended at all. Given its descent from Adunaic, which is supposedly best compared to ancient Hebrew, Westron could be most like a very archaic Semitic language.

