the Weather Hills
The Weather Hills (S.:"Emyn Sûl") were the hills north of the Great East Road between Bree and Mitheithel, at one time the boundry between Arthedain and Rhudaur.
Arthedain fortified the Hills against Angmar, but they were taken in TA 1409 and later recovered.
The chief peak of the Weather Hills was the southernmost - Weathertop.
Places of Note:[]
- Amon Forn
- Barad Ever
- Barad Narn
- Barad Thoron
- Bereg's Watch
- the Lonely Stone
- The Long Holes
- Minas Galanna
- Occum
- Uimirrildor
- Pendle
- Rammas Sûl
- Ruin of Amon Sûl
- The Weather Caves
- The Weather-Road
- The Weathertop
- Wild Hobbit Hole
- MERP:Arnor
- Foster, Robert. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth.