in Middle-Earth a Warrior was a character who was especially skilled in warfare, a professional Fighter. Warriors were seen as a very reputable class in society.
Warriors who fought for payment were known as Soldiers.
Terms for Warrior[]
- Beorn (Nandor)
- Dryhten
- Gothwin (Sindar)
- Maehtor (High-Elves)
- Mahtar or Mehtar (High-Elves)
- Makar (High-Elves)
- Mord or Mordo (High-Elves)
- Ohtar (Dúnedain)
- Ohtacáro (Sindar)
Warriors of renown[]
- Ar-Belzagar
- Azaghal of Belegost
- Azog the Defiler
- Beorn the Skinchanger
- Boromir son of Denethor II
- Celeborn the Wise
- Dáin Ironfoot
- Déorwine
- Dúnhere
- Elendil the Tall
- Éomer Éadig
- Éowyn Dernhelm
- Erkenbrand
- Faramir of Ithilien
- Fëanor
- Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower
- Haleth the Huntress
- Helm Hammerhand
- Húrin Thalion
- Mablung of the heavy Hand
- Makar
- Marhari
- Ohtar of Arnor
- Tauriel
- Telumehtar Umbardacil
- Túrin Turambar
- Widfara
In the first chapter of The Hobbit, Gandalf uses the capitalized terms "Warrior" and "Hero".
In MERP, Rolemaster and LOTRRPG the Warrior is a playable profession or order.ROLEMASTER also has more specialized sub-classes such as the Armsmaster, Assassin, Ashigaru, Barbarian, Bashkar, Bounty Hunter, Cavalier, Champion, Duelist, Elemental Champion, Elemental Hunter, Elemental Warrior, High Warrior, Horseman, Indurate, Lancer, Magehunter, Nightblade, Ninja, Noble Warrior, Outrider, Paladin, Ranger, Romantic, Ronin, Samurai, Sohei, Swashbuckler, Swordsman, Sword Thrower, Templar, Warrior Mage, Warrior Monk.
In LOTRO the Warrior-archetype is split into several sub-classes: the Captain, Champion, Guardian and Warden.
- An Angmarean Hoerk
- The Breeland Riders - a mounted troop of the Breelanders
- A Wainrider Charioteer
- A Dog-Warrior of Waw
- The Elnaith or Elven-Knights
- An eriadorian Bailiff
- The Greenway guardsmen of Arnor
- The Hastrûth - Elite Axemen of the Easterlings
- A herald
- The Hird - household-guards of the Bardings
- The Hûka, Asdriag Elite-Warriors
- A Kern or Hillman-Warrior
- The Kharg-Huka, Holy Warriors of the Easterlings who fought in Angmar
- The Serafe or Warrior-Scholar of the Haruze
- The Shimach, Honnin-Warriors
- The Soramril, holy Warriors of the Mûmakani
- An Umbarean Gladiator
- Ushatar or Daugi,the Orcish Warriors
- Variags or khandish mercenaries or Arsiyah
- The Visi, the Elite-Warriors of the Kralji or High-King of Far Harad
- A Vrâk Tanûk (Order) of the Vulmaw