The War of the Last Alliance also known as the War of the Two Kings or the Last March of the Eldar and Men, was the final great conflict of the Second Age, fought between the Last Alliance of Elves and Men and the forces of Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor. This war, which spanned nearly a decade from S.A. 3430 to S.A. 3441, was the culmination of centuries of strife between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth and Sauron, who sought dominion over all Westlands. It was the greatest combined military effort of the Eldar, Dúnedain, and their allies since the War of Wrath, and it resulted in the overthrow of Sauron—though not his final destruction.
The War of the Last Alliance was a compilation of battles that ended the Second Age. Gil-galad, Elendil, Durin, Oropher, and Amdir led the hosts of the Free Peoples to do battle with the forces of Sauron. Isildur called upon the Men of the Mountains to fight by their side, but they refused to honor their oath and were cursed by him. Sauron, who had the One Ring, lost his ring and his physical avatar, and his armies were defeated during this war; unfortunately many great heroes and warriors were sacrificed to preserve the world of Arda.
Battles during the War of the Last Alliance[]
- Fall of Minas Ithil
- Anárion's defense of Osgiliath
- Destruction of the Entwife Gardens
- Battle of Dagorlad
- Siege of the Morannon
- Siege of Barad-dûr
N = non-canon
Last Alliance[]
- Amdir
- Amroth
- Anárion Elendilion
- Isildur Elendilion
- Cirdan
- Durin V
- Elendil
- Gil-galad
- Glorfindel
- Gwaewar
- Merethorn
- Oropher
- Thranduil
- Treebeard
- Zagarthôr
Sauron's forces[]
- Sauron
- Tagathrim