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The New Notion Club Archives
Pacific Walrus by Elliot-1

While technically a member of the seal family, the walrus (La. "valkohampaiset merikoirat", sing. " valkohampainen merikoira") was differentiated by its enormous invory tusks. It was a large, but very shy animal, and retreated to the water if threatened.

Walruses of Forodwaith[]

The walrus was one of the animals favored by both the Ystävät Talven and southern-based hunters. Its thick hide made excellent armor, while its ivory tusks couldweigh up to 10 lbs av piece. The great layer of fat beneath its hide was a source of lamp oil and tallow.

Walruses did not congegrate in huge colonies as other seals, but gathered in groups of a hundred or less upon the ice-floes and isolated beaches of Forochel's bay. They were non-aggressive, preferring to flee to the safety of water than standing to fight. During the mating season, bulls held contests of strength among themselves, but were unlikely to bother passers-by unless deliberately provoked.

Seal-hunters often refered to a walrus simply as hammas (La. "tooth", pl. "hampaat"), which might cause some confusion to anyone unfamiliar with the slang.

