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The New Notion Club Archives

The Dragon-Lord

The Wômaw (D.S."Gifted People") or Far-Easterlings were an ancient people in the farthest east in the second Age.They were the descendants of Avatani-tribes heavily infuenced by the culture of Angband through the impact of the Dragon Utumkôdur.


The Wômaw originally consisted of four tribes who formed the later core-lands of Wômawas Drûs, the Wômakh (D.S."Those of the Home"), Wôm (D.S."Minds"), Krawân (D.S."Coastlanders") (later Krawân Góak) and Narîg (later Móak).These tribes were later still sometimes collectively known as the Wômaw.During their rise the Wômaw also subjugated, and largely assimilated, tribes of scattered plains nomads as the Kûiwak (or Sûrk-Kaelân) and some tribes of the Woodmen of the Far east. Sometimes also the Sûrk, Rûlurk, Lôkaw and Aegaw were counted as Wômaw,the Sûrk being the original inhabitants of Thûriakh Kôdia and far-travelling sea-warriors that later became the Vulmaw and Argaw and the Rûlurk having been the Inhabitants of the northern isles such as Rôlfandas.The Lôkhans (Lôkaw) were also descendants of Sûrk-Wômaw who had wandered southwards along the eastern coasts to the Lands of the Lakhab, where they had intermixed with the Brâric culture.The Aegaw were a closely related people, being descendants of Woodmen of the Far east who had come under the influence of the Ilhian and Micginá, Wômaw emissaries, and were counted as a Wômaw-tribe by some.


A Member of the Awdu Awg


The Wômaw´s language was called Soelâsi Bu (old Wômarin), their descendants in the third Age spoke Soelâsi ( New Wômarin or simply Wômarin).In the early second Age the Wômaw had used an Avarin tongue as their sacred ritual-language.


Physically the Wômaw men had an average height of 5'6" with an average wieght of 154 pounds. Those of high lineage generally had fair, beardless faces, with grey eyes, red skin and straight black hair.

Wômaw of Renown:[]


Aôn, a Wômaw Sorcerer


The Avaradan of the ICE-Canon were modeled after american Indian rather than eastern Asian Cultures, as well the Wômarin languages (including Lôkhan,Argawin and Vulman) were loosely based on eastern Amerind vocabulary.A possible real-world parallel could be the Itelmen of the Kamchatka Peninsula, who are believed to be closely related to the alaskan Tlingit Indians.


  • History of the Utter East (Based around MERP sourcebooks),Teacher: Laurre