Valinor or Valinórë (Q. "Land of the Valar", S. Balannor) also known as Dor-Rodyn (S. Land of Lords), Regeneard ("God Home") or Evereven, was the most blessed and sacred realm in Arda, situated in the western continent of Aman. It was the dwelling place of Valar and Maiar, and the highest among the Calaquendi who had been summoned to live in the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. Its central city was Valimar, the City of Bells, and to the east, along the coasts, lay Eldamar, where the Elves dwelt, including the island of Tol Eressëa. Protected by towering Pelóri Mountains, and hidden from the reach of mortal beings after the Changing of the World, Valinor remained the seat of divine power and eternal bliss, a Realm of Otherworld untouched by the sorrows of Middle-earth.
Regions of Valinor:[]
- Calacirya - the Pass between Valinor and Eldamar
- Gardens of Vána
- Firelake of Valinor - the Firelake of Tôn Sovriel in Vána's Gardens
- Inwinóre - The Lands of the Inwir west of the Calacirya
- Lórien - The forests of Lórien
- Mandos - The Great Subterranean Halls below Aman
- Never-fading Lawns -the Green Fields of Nessa
- Noldomar - Land of the Noldor in northern Valinor
- Barren Plains - Cold Plains in northern Valinor
- Híri - Southern run of the River Sírnúmen
- Green Hills - Hills in Noldomar
- Sírnúmen - River running through Noldomar
- Barren Plains - Cold Plains in northern Valinor
- Pastures of Yavanna
- Taure Yavanno
- Woods of Oromë
Places of Note[]
Cûm a Gumlaith Ezellohar Formenos House of Erinti Hyarmentir Ilmarin Kapalinda Mahanaxar Valimar
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