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Jerrel Salvatierra - Powers of Arda

The Archangels of Middle-Earth


Elbereth (Varda), the Star-kindler

The Valar (Q. "Powers," "Archangels"; Ad. "Avalô"; S. "Balanath"; V."Māchanai") are the greatest among the Ëalar, the Ainur who descended into at the Dawn of Time. Chosen by their own will to shape and govern the world according to the vision of Eru Ilúvatar, they became the architects of Arda, the realm of the Children of Ilúvatar. Majestic and mighty, they stood as the Powers of the World, each embodying an aspect of creation, yet bound to its fate as time unfolded.

Eru conceived several Valar, the mightiest of whom was Melkor (Q. "He Who Arises in Might"). In time, however, Melkor would betray his Creator and fall from grace, and Eru forever removed his name from the Rolls of the Exalted. Only fourteen Valar greeted the coming of the Children of Arda. As Morgoth (S. "Black Enemy"), the High Ainu Melkor was doomed to remain apart from his kind. To this day, the Eldar refuse to speak his name. The Valar, like all Ainur, are immortal spirits without need of corporeal conveyance. Their spirits only took form so they could interact with the Children of Iluvatar (i.e., the Elves, Dwarves, Men, etc.). It is their wardship of Arda and the Heavens that dictates their need for shape. Their role compels their occasional adoption of physical bodies. Guardians of a material world require material ties. The Valar are few, but they are the most powerful beings in Eä. They work through (their people) their lesser brethren, the Maiar. Pledging their loyalties to the Vala royalty, these less-exalted Ainur serve as the Valars’ servants.

Valarin nature[]

Each Vala is a unique spiritual entity who exemplifies one or more of Eru’s thoughts. The fourteen Valar are the focus of the themes of creation, and they represent generalized concepts which Eru envisioned in the Beginning (e.g., air and earth, fire and water, life and death, love and sorrow, or freedom and fate). Acting through the Valar, then, Eru sculpts or elaborates these conceptions into the patterns and forms that compose Eä — Arda and the Heavens and all that live within their confines. A Vala oversees his or her specific theme, creating detail on behalf of the One and within his framework. For instance, Eru envisioned the solid earth, but it was (and is) his Valar who actuady raised the mountains and carved the valleys of Arda. Aulë, the Smith, is the particular focus of this theme, for he is the patron Vala of crafts and his title is Master of the Earth.

The Valar as Beings[]

Although the Valar were born before Time, at the outset of Creation, they are spirits who share thoughts common to all beings sired by Eru. They have male and female aspects, possess emotions, and suffer imperfections. Only Eru is perfect and all-knowing. The exact nature of the Valar is nevertheless beyond the comprehension of lesser beings. Except for the Maiar, who are also Ainur, no other spirits fully understand the depth of Vala feelings or the manner of their weaknesses. Valar are spirits without material form, and form dictates much in the way feelings manifest themselves. Although the Powers have one or more preferred fánar (Q. "veils;" sing, "fána"), or physical bodies, they assume and shed these corporeal guises at will. A Vala’s fána is a convenient structure which enables him/her to interact in Eä, but it is not essential to his/her being. The Valar do not permit themselves (as Morgoth did) to be tied to their temporary bodily trappings, so their characters remain rooted in pure spirits. Thus, their essence stays mysterious and elusive, and beyond the knowledge of Eru’s Children.

Vala society[]

While they are materially formless, the Valar still cultivate their own society: a hierarchy involving power, kinship, and matrimony. Manwë is their King; his wife Varda is their Queen, although both rule as firsts among equals. This structure underlies all Vala relationships, and provides order for both the Council of the Valar and interactions among the sub-societies composed of the lesser Maiar. It is a simple court society, with each Vala serving as a lord or lady. In turn, all Valar preside over their own Maia people.
Benevolence and cooperation make this Vala society work without discord. Eru, of course, is the supreme arbiter, but he is removed from Ea and relies on his guardians to function without his direct involvement. Thus, it is Manwë who, acting through a council (or court) composed of all the Powers, maintains unity and continuity. A powerful, emotive, and empathetic leader, he coordinates his brethren rather than dominating them, although he is quite capable of proclaiming and enforcing his word as supreme law.


The Valar are the fourteen Guardians on Arda (not counting Morgoth). They are variously described as Angels or Gods (but this title might only refer to Illuvatar proper). In the Beginning Morgoth was one of the Valar, and mightiest of them, but when he became evil he was expelled from Aman. There are several wondrous and superstitious ideas about the Valar among the Hildor, many of them spawned by half- or misunderstood tales that were told to their ancestors by Avari and Eldar in the Elder Days, or the Númenóreans in the Second Age, and often corrupted by Sauron’s lies.

Most common name Other name(s)/title(s) Names (non-canon) Realm(s)
Manwë (Q.) Amân (Ad.), Aran Einior (S.), the Breather (W.), the Elder King (W.), Mānawenūz (Val.), Súlimo (Q.) Adûnakhôr (Ad.), Eagle-King, Gaoth (Dn.), Gwanweg (G.), High King of Arda (W.), Hîka (Ho.), Kalamando, Koyômo (Dr.), Kûtamâyi (P.), l´arkarún-i-másra (Ap.), Lord of the Breath of Arda (W.), Koyômo, Kutamayi, Lord of the Winds (W.), Mambaug (Fo.), Man, Manu, Manweg (G.), Mestridîn-Lioia (Wm.), Nâdi-Manyê (Ap.), Oihrig (Vo.), Saulmoth (G.), Shining Hionvâr of the West, Solmoth (G.), Sulios, Taimo, Tarkarûn-i-mâsra (Ap.), Valtur, Wanwavoite, Wolcenfréa (Éo.) Air, Winds, Sky, Birds, benevolence, King of Arda and Lord of the Winds
Elbereth (S.) Airë Tári, Avrâdi (Ad.), Baradis (Tel.), Barathî, Berethil (Nol.), Bradil (Nol.), Bredhil (Nol.), Bridhil, Elberil, Elen-barathî, Elentári (Q.), Elmbereth, Fanuilos (Q.), Gailbridhnir (G.), Gilbrennil, Gilbridhnir, Gilthoniel (S.), Gimilnîtir (Ad.), the Kindler (W.), Lady of the Stars (W.), Queen of the Stars (W.), Snow-White (W.), Súlimi, Tar-Ellion, Tári, Timbredhil, Timbridhil, Timfiril, Timrithil, Tintallë (Q.), Tintanië, Tinwërontar, Tinwëvarda, Tinwëvárni, Tinthurwin Barâdâz, Barenda (Fo.), Bozishâ (Ap.), Elenala (An.), Ladnóca (Ap.), Sûzush (Ho.), Urdur (Del.), Valthea (Av.), Varda (Q.), Vársi Stars, Heavens, Light, Radiance, Queen of Arda and Lady of Light
Ulmo (Q.) Guiar (S.), Gulma (S.), Linqil (Q.), Nûron (S.), Uiar (S.), Ulubôz (Va.), Ullubôz (Va.), Ulu (S.), Ulumô (Va.), Ylmir (S.) Agendfréa ealra wetera (Éo.), Ancient Mariner (W.), Azâr (Ad.), Dedya (Vo.), Ealweter-fréa (Éo.), Garsecges Fréa (Éo.), Heru Rasa (W.), Lonthâ (Av.), Malíciam (Har.), Neorth, Numa (Tal.), Old Man of the Sea (W.), Old Mariner (W.), Sanor (Fo.), Uruboz (Fo.) Waters, Seas, and Oceans, rain, sea-animals, Lord of the Waters
Yavanna (Q.) Cembereth (S.), Kementári (Q.), Ivann (S.), Ivannë (S.), Ivonn (S.), Palúrien (Q.)

Aldena (Fo.), Akraragiba (Rh.), Alveya (Vo.), Ardalam (Er.), Ardi (Har.), Arud (Ul.), Aya-banâz (), Chailûza (Ho.), Dalam (Er.), Dónu (Ul.), Earth Mother (W.), Earth Mistress (W.), Hirazi (Av.), Illila (Tyr.), Lilis (Har.), Mâm-ugi-Mâm (Drû.), Montia (Fo.), Uerda, Uldona (Ul.), Vaxa, Witogoda, Yevan (Dn.), Yevinne (Ni.), Yfan (Du.)

Earth, Plants and Trees, Animals, All Things That Grow, Queen of the Earth and Giver of Fruits
Aulë (Q.) Aulë Mar (Va.), Ayūlēz (Va.), Beleg Gaul (S.), Belegol (S.), Barthan (S.), Gaul (S.), [[Mahal] (Kh.), Maltagros (G.), Mar (G.), Martaglos (G.), Martamo (Q.), Martan (Q.), Mbartano (Q.), Óla (G.), Ola Mar (G.), Óli (G.), Taglos (G.), Tagros (G.), Talka Marda (Q.), Tamar (Q.), Tamildo (Q.) Ardo (Har.), Craeftfrea (Éo.), Gawalos (Fo.), Gobha (Dn.), Gofan (Du.), the Great Shaker (W.), Magân (Ad.), Mahel (Har.), Mahlic (Um.), the Old Man of the Butte (W.), the Old Man of the Mountains (W.), Tamâr (Ad.) Earth, Stone, Solid Matter, Craft, Gems and Metals, Fire, Arts, Smith of the Valar and Master of the Earth
Nienna (Q.) Fúi (Q.), Fúil (Q.), Heskil (Q.), Nenir, Nenni, Nennir Amnâkh (Th.), Beansaich (Hi.), Duram (Dn.), Dûranu (Dn.), Késht (Har.), Nainden (Fo.), Nîn (Si.), Nínir, Níneth, Níniel, Ninn, Núri, Núrnil, Nyenna, Qalmë-Tári (Q.) Tears, Death, Sorrow, Lady of Sorrow
Oromë (Q.) Aldaron (Q.), Araw (S.), Arômêz (Va.), Arum (S.), Béma (Éo.) Tauron (Q.), Tavros (G.) Althor, Araume, Arawanez (Fo.), Arôm (Ap.), Aróme (Har.), Baumo (Rh.), Baumya (Rh.), Beaming (Éo.), Eremi (Ni.), the Forester, Gorom, Górômê, Goru, Grûm, Huntena Fréa (Éo.), Huntinglord (W.), Lord of Forests (W.), Master of the Hunt (W.), Óraw, Orma, Ormaid, Ormain, Ormaldor, Ormon, Pael (Pu.), Ramr, Traitorous Hunter, Turaigh (Dn.), Vadan (Ul.), Wadfrea (Éo.), Wealdfrea (Éo.), Zoian (Wm.) Hunting, Woods, Wild Beasts, Horses, Lord of Forests and Huntsman of Valar
Mandos (Q.) Badhron (S.), Bannos (G.), Bannoth (S.), Gwi (G.), Gwi-fanthor (G.), Gwivannoth (G.), Mandosse (Q.), Morimando, Námo (Q.), Ve (Q.), Vefantur (Q.) Agân (Ad.), Aganakhôr (Ad.), Aldoya (Vo.), Ash'val (Th.), Banodos-damu (Fo.), the Judge (W.), the Just (W.), Mairb (Dn.), Makússet (Har.), Mâna-dostôz, Mando, Nâmâz, Nefrea (Éo.), Neoaerna Hlaford (Éo.), the Ordainer (W.), (P.), Roho (Dr.), Tûlimi (Ap.), Spirit-Master (W.) Death, Judgement, Destiny, Prophecy, Darkness, Keeper of Fate and Judge of the Dead
Estë (Q.), Îdh (S.) The Gentle (W.) Beansgáil (Hi.), Éde (Tel.), Eord (Éo.), Ezande (Fo.), Fois (Dn.), Gawerthi, the Healer (W.), Hiradwa (Har.), Niesse (W.) Resting, Healing, wisdom, pity, patience, Healer of Hurts
Lórien (Q.) Irmo (Q.), Lûriel (G.), Lúriel (G.), Lúrin (G.), Olofantur (Q.) Fulmur, Glauren-Erom (Fo.), Glurim, Kessém (Har.), Losfan, Lhuien, Luien, Mairb, Nomath (Vo.), Ulchaw (Av.), Za'uira (Ap.) Sleep, Dreams, visions, inspiration and creativity, Dream-Weaver
Vairë (Q.) Gwîr (G.) Gwairil, Siddyadha (Har.), Waerez (Fo.), the Weaver, Weire, Wiyarêz remembrance, weavers, history, memory, Weaver of Time
Tulkas (Q.) Astaldo (Q.), Ender (Q.), Enner (Q.), Poldórëa (Q.), Tolchas (S.), Tulcus (G.), Tulukhastāz (Va.) Abâr (Ad.), Afodfrea (Éo.), Ascúru Hudári (An.), Dashim (Har.), Magol (Éo.), Phaon (Tyr.), Rehi (Vo.), Stalan (Dn.), The Steadfast (W.), Thur Strength, Power, wrestling, The Champion of Valar
Vána (Q.) Bana-Wende (G.), Banwend (S.), Banwen (S.), Gwân (G.), Gwani (G.), Gwann (G.), Gwannuin (G.), Tári-Laisi (Q.), Tuilére (Q.), Tuivána (Q.) Arud (Pu.), Blostma (Éo.), Ever-young (W.), Khala (Ap.), Wana, Wânâz, Wandia (Fo.) flowers, birds, youth, love
Nessa (Q.) Helinyetillë (Q.), Lëa (Q.), Lëa-Vinya (Q.), Neššai (Va), Neth (S.), Youth (W.) Ailgra (Rh.), Dineth, Ishtra (Har.), Lilra (Fo.), Melesta, Nezea (Fo.), Oriana (Tyr.) Dance, speed, movement, joy, Freedom, deer
Morgoth (S.) Alkar (Q.), Bauglir (S.), Belcha (G.), Belegûr (S.), Belegurth (S.), Black Enemy of the World (W.), Black King (Dn.), Dark One (W.), Goth (Or.), the Great Enemy (W.), the Great King (W.), King of Arda (W.), the King of the World (W.), Lord of the Dark, Lord of Darkness, Lord of Utumno, Melko (G.), Melkor (Q.), Melkórë (Q.), Morikotto (Q.), Moringotto (Q.), Mulkhêr (Ad.), the Shadow (W.) Ardûtor (Mo.), Arkar (An.), Balûk (Drû.), Belekôroz (Av.), Blackheart (W.), Chefuidocsuma Tunkadur (Bef.), the Corruptor (W.), the Dark Overlord, the Darkness (W.), the Dark Power, Draubasar (Me.), the Elder King (W.), Ganíraib (Tz.), Kâi (Ho.), Kaishnalai (Th.), Malkôra (Ap.), Master of the Fates of Arda (W.), Master of the World (W.), Mbelekôro (Av.), Melegor , Meleko, Mestridîn-Tîlmenâsh (), Kondhrí Odhí (V.), Kôr-Sharhaigûn (As.), Kragûl (Io.), the Lord of All and Giver of Freedom (W.), Malkôra (An.), Prime Dark Lord, Rakana-Kiral (), Ráskara (An.), Vâtra (Ap.) Originally All Elements, but corrupted to evil, darkness, cold, winter, hate, destruction, corruption

Lord of Darkness

Aluin, Meássë, Makar, Ómar, Nielíqui, Melian, Ungoliant, Fionwe, Telimektar, Nornorë, Ilmarë

†See: Language§Abbreviations
