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The Utter East or Oronto

Uttermost East (Q."Hayarómen", Av."Anâraûrti"; Ad. "Azûlêphalak") usually referred to the lands along the eastern coasts of Middle-Earth, a vast area separated from Central Middle-earth by the huge mountain range known as the Red Mountains. These lands set along the coast of the Romeneär were also known in the Westlands as Amrûn ([[S. ]"Sunrise", "East"), East of East (N. "Orenor"), , or the Dark East (S. Fuinhûn, Ad. Azûl Dulgî). The inhabitants of these lands however referred to it as "The Lands of Dawn" (Av."Odhomâ; Wm. "Ôrotûri") or only distinguished between the two great eastern empires of old Wômawas Drûs to the north and Lôkhas Drûs to the south.


The Elder Days[]

In the Age of Stars the Lands of Dawn were roamed by wandering Avari-Tribes, most of these were Nelyar of the Host of Morwe who lived in the shadows of the forests and loved the Shorelands, some of these eventually stayed in the East and formed steady homes in Karântalen, Talenturi or the eastern Isles of Címóníemor and Ûiwen.

The First Age[]

In the First Age the Lands of Dawn were settled by wild tribes of Men who had fled from Hildorien. These first Men who crossed the Red Mountains became the Woodmen of the Far East, for they hid within the great Mistwoods and Bluewoods that covered the Lands beyond the Red Peaks. Others settled the Mountains and foothills, these were the Men of the Red Mountains some of whom befriend the Eastern Dwarves of the Stonefoots and Blacklocks who now expanded their realm from their awakening-Place in the great North-Hall to the mountains of Rûrîk. This first Wave followed a second one, a collection of tribes called "Avatan" by the Avari. These Men had been pupils of the Hisildi or Twilight-Elves before and some of them had served the Great Temple, although most of them had repented and had escaped from the terrible Battle of Palisor.

The Second Age[]


Realms of the Farthest East

In the Second Age the Dragon Utumkôdur came to the northern Orocarni and the local Avatan-Tribes made her their Object of worship. Under Tutelage of the Dragon-Goddess four Tribes, the Wômak, Wôm, Krawân and Narîg formed an alliance that became known as the Wômaw. These Dragon-worshippers subjugated their Sûrk Kaelaw neighbours and eventually the Rûlurk of the northern Isles. They formed the later "Wômaw Realm" or Wômawas Drûs whose Hig-King or Mûl was the High-Priest of Utumkôdur. Later as the Wômaw's power expanded, Wômaw and Sûrk-Warriors also moved against the southern Brâric, Prôric and Fale-Peoples of the Shelf-lands and eventually founded the southern sister Realm Lôkhas Drûs. As the Dragon became more and more aggressive finally the Avari of Khelgardh under their Queen Murimîresûri made an attack on Ûtumkôdur's Temple and slew the golden dragon-Goddess. With the Death of Utumkôdur a new Hion came to the throne and the first Mûl of Wômawas Drûs were known as Elf-friends. In the 12th century Wild Men and Orcs from the north invaded later Ralian and Faelân, one year later Hôrl fell. It was an ancient Servant of Morgoth who had been stirred, Múar the northern Warlord, a fire-Demon who had commanded Morgoth's host in the Battle of Palisor. Múar's small Realm lasted for over one and a half millenium, until the Dwarves of Rûrîk slew him in 2741.


Seduced by the Ring

As peace had returned to the Lands of Dawn a new Threat arose, mighty Seafarers from unknown Lands of the West visited the coasts of the Drûs and became more agressive and domitating with every visit. Small Harbours and Trading-Posts became centers of Slave-Hunts and raids and Tanûl, the Mûl of the Wômaw sought the council of Murimîresûri. Murimîresûri now had been visited by a man who called himself Annatar, obviously a Maia of Great Power and one of the Aulendili. Via Murimiresûri's mediation Annatar became an entrusted friend of the young Prince Kómul who later made himself King and led the Wômaw into an Age of Darkness as he accepted one of the nine Rings of Men from his advisor Annatar, who now turned out to have been the Dark lord Sauron. Meanwhile in Lôkhas Drûs the Dog-Lord, after having freed the Land of Wôl from the K'Prûr-Tyranny, made himself King of all the Lôkhan Lands, it was generally unknown that also this great Far-Eastern King had received a gift from the Lord of the Rings, but the Sister-Realms of Komûl and Dendra-Dwâr cooperated and both, the Bwaig-ir-Omdren-Sorcerers of Lôkhas and the Belaen-an-Voryl of Wômawas, introduced the Cult of the Shadow and reverence to the King of the World who rewarded his Subjects with the secret of Iron.


War in the East

Komûl ruled Wômawas Drûs for 153 years and the Dog-Lord's Empire had lasted even longer, but with the capitulation of Sauron also his reign ended. SA 3262 Sauron went to Númenór as a prisoner, the Dog-Lord vanished and Komûl fled Wômawas Drûs and his cousin Aôn, supported by Númenórean Explorers, seized the throne. Lôkhas Drûs however remained a Dark Realm with the Dog-Lord's nephew Dendra-Swîp taking over the throne. After Sauron's return in 3320 Komûl returned to later Shay, the last part of his realm still loyal to Sauron and began to reconquer his old Domain until most of Sauron's forces were drawn away to the westlands in 3440 to withstand the Siege of Mordor by the Last Alliance. As Sauron perished, Komûl also faded away and with him fell the eastern Kingdom of Shadows.

The Third Age[]

In the early Third Age the Lôkhaw were able to break the Rule of the Dog-Kings and to re-establish their former domain. The Shelf-Lands were freed from the influence of the Cult of the Shadow although the Kanks of Rúartar formed a small and barbaric Kingdom. It remained a well hidden secret that, guarded by the Kanks, the Shadow hid within the Iron Forest of Rúartar and started to regain much of his old strength. At his side gathered the nine Ringwraiths, among them the Dark Easterlings Khamûl and Dwâr.


The Division of the Empire

When Sauron felt strong enough he returned to the Westlands and made up a hideout at Dol Guldur, posing as the Necromancer, a (lesser) dark Sorcerer. Meanwhile Khamûl built the Fortresses of Sart and Mang in the Wind Mountains to prepare his return, in time Dwâr returned to his fortress Âlk Wâw. The combined Forces of Rúartar and Wâw broke the Rule of Lôkhas Drûs between TA 1507 and TA 1617, renewing the Dark Worship in most of the Shelf-Lands. Under pressure the Wômaw empire split up in 1794 and various Lords emerged claiming to be rightful Hionvara. This was partially in reaction to the growing influence of the Wizards Lianis and Helaman on the Hion of Wômawas Drûs that encouraged him to withstand the continuing attacks by the southern tribes and Orcs. In 2400 TA Khamûl finally was sucessful and with the combined forces of the Kank of Rúartar and Shay and the wild descendants of the Rûbor and Vorgani the last divisions of Wômawas Drûs fell and the Eastern Domain came under the rule of the Lawmasters, a dark clergy enforcing the "Law of Sûr". Helaman and Lianis at this time had already fled to the plains of central Middle-Earth, hiding among the wild lawless steppe-nomads and Avari Elves, sewing Rebellion in former Lûrs Vorganís and among the Rahiwenna.


The Great Attack

In 2656 TA the Mûl of Wômawas Drûs tried to expand into central Middle-Earth and unite his force with the Golden Army, but his efforts failed when an unexpected alliance of the Steppe-Tribes, Eastern Dwarves and Avari-Elves destroyed his host at the borders of Fîmardi and Linimér. The Mûl was replaced and a rebel-Realm known as "the Ôn" arose in the far east, hunting down all remnants of the Servants of Sûr. In 3019 finally Sauron felt he had recovered enough of his strength in a great Attack the eastern parts of the Golden Army and Steppe-Princes loyal to the Dark Lord united with the Armies of the Shelf-Lands and attacked the Ôn-Lords, but in the hour of victory Sauron's spirit was destroyed with the destruction of the one ring and his headless eastern Army could be repelled by the Rebels.

Later Ages[]

In the early Fourth Age T'revor Arain travelled and explored the eastern Coasts, in the north the land of Tanara arose, the time also saw the rise of the Bearer of the Root, a fallen Wizard who established another great realm in the East. The later Ages saw the rise of various sucessing realms among them Tyena and Niëhóno.

Lands of the Farthest East[]

Aegân Arg-Sîmorîg Astôs Ayîgawm Banakan Bluewood Brôd Kábe Talenturi Carangalen Khêr Góak Címóníemor Klôkában Coalitch din prece Orasor Marfilm Kûiwak Wômaw Kûiwistar Peninsula Da'ish Diolôkha Drôd Dûrakhan Dûranak Forest Dûrmaw Eligmar Faelân Fenfénen Gên Gendhari-Moors Gendhari-Woods Góak Haen Halôkha Khelkâ Sael Hent Hermit Kingdom Hôrl Hôrm Iron Forest Isle of Sunrises Kael Ka'ish Kankanan Kârn Ôrd Kendarka Kosth Lêr Land of thousand Waters Lôkha Lôkhas Lôkhas Drûs Long Lost Empire Maralôkha Menars Mistwoods Mithrisais Móak Ôrosîr Valley Prôric-Peninsula Prôrse Rále Búrsian Rále Kuiwian Rálian Rôlfandas Rualôkha Rúartar Rûrîk Shay Shelf-lands Shên Sindi Sôr Kuivan Târun Tâna Tanara Tara dinu Apà tràdàtor Târsa Teusilya Thaur Galan Thûriakh Kôdia Tífe Kábian Tífe Kankanian Tife Lenian Tyena Ûiwen Unvirnay V'shrang Vôr Rôlfandas Wâl Wâw Wôl Wôm Shryak Wômawas Drûs Wôrn Shryak Zipatóa

2019-02-17 12.42

East of East - Globe

Peoples of the Farthest East[]

Avari: Faloedeli Hisildi Kwindi

Halfling-kin:Fairheads Fokirio Gendhari

Hildor: Adúnali Aegaw Argaw Arklu-shem Brâric Brôdim Góakaw Haenakh Hôrl Ilhian Kaelaw K'Prur Lakhab Lemnbarbásti Lôkhans Men of the Orocarni Micghiná Móakaw Ôn Poplan din Kaarn Prôric Raliani Rûlurk Sûrk Tanan Tarsan Ts´dan Valg Vulmaw Wâlâr Wôlim Wômaw Woodmen of the Far east

Khazâd: Blacklocks Stonefoots

Eastern Orcs: Arakî Garks Khanû Jungle Orcs Mountain Orcs Steppe-Orcs

Characters of note[]

Ainur: Andrâx Helaman Lianis Morthrog Mourmaelgax Múar Mûl Bâs Traitorous Hunter Ûpo

Dragons: Utumkôdur

Dwarves: Bâli the Unfortunate Bân VII Bhalli the Hostile Dârn son of Fârn

Elves: Arxdukanga Cambëtyelca Cirissë Menelrána Dardariann Elerior of Cimonienemor Yírdfos Laurë Menelrána Murimîresûri Mourmaelgax Randae Terisonen Ingi'inda Grey-cloaked Sûlcû Tiliwini T'revor Arain Ûlgarin Veryal en Cimoniemor Yark-Balka

Men: Agonar of Teusilya Akûta Wân-Drâl Alaec Kirian Anasa Fef Anasa Wem Ankalzôr Aôn Ar Gultathorn Avahya Brôda Celgor the Blackfist Khorthûl of Góak Khorthûl II Khorthûl III Khorthûl IV Dâon Demîk-Drâl II Demîk-Drâl Demîk-Vûr Demîs Dendra-Dwâr Dendra-Dwâr II Dendra-Dwêm Dendra-Swîp Dendra-Wîm Drûl-Khaurka Embra-Slîl Etarkas Jadashala Yârîs Iax Kapô-Fê Khamûl Kharâl Klêa-Sháy Kodîs Kodûl Kodûldîs Kômôn Komthîs Kômûl I Kômûl II Kongûl Lotus The Mediator Mônarlan Oerlîs Oervîs Ôervîk-Drâl Ômbril Preclis Sagông Selachii Shôn Drâl Shurûn-Dûrax Skan Skhan Sorkûr Mûl Soronto St'e Sten Kirian Taî Tanûl Tâsh-Enâmô Tiliwini Tyoh Ûon Venoyé Vômis Vôrn Varâk-Tanûk Vrâkis Vûl of Unvirnay Wân Drâl Wôma-Drâl the elder Wôma-Drâl the Younger Wômis Womûl of Móak

Other: Fuingurth the Strange Knakfûr Morclax of Angclax Morg Uldûin Ûlthug

Places of note:[]


Achren Ahûle Akhazdak Akhuzdah Alingena Âlk Arxdukanga Âlk Brôd Âlk Góak Âlk Tarsa Âlk Waw Âlk Yarkbalka Ahule Angsars-Morthrog Angshô Arch of the last Sovereign Archen Arg-Sím Astos Ayîgawm Ayîg Khig Baraz-lagil Baraztûm Bâs Blackhorn Pass Brûl Faliodukûm Bulchyamîs Cabe Cleâc Denteng Dwarve's Pass Eagle's Pass Eight Tiered Hall Five Spring Pass Fomenlos Fullagrod Gabilzahar Garden of Streams Góak on the Lake Great North-Hall Great Road Haen Steps Haenac Tatawêr Hâmâting H'ent Hînkhyan Hôrm Hothac Smew Irgâk Jaarn Jonin Kael Ôrd Kalchere Kankanan K'fig K'il K'iv Khalarazûm Khazad-Madûr Laak-Lûrath Laeg Góak Lôyang Lyak Mang Merisia Mindo Clytac Mirlinac Mirlinave Mithrisais Moag Monars Mount Heschon Naag Narag-gund Nargubraz Neän Tân Nhaag Olvia Olyas Orasor din Pín Palace of the Pearl Purple House Rôlâlk Radimbragaz Red Pass Runk Ruseva Ruurumakh Ruvak Sart Shenin Símor Sôgôl Stairs of the Sun Sun Road Tarsa Tatamâc Pîvân Tatamúrilis Tarsûs Taursa Thisule Thunderpass Tomb of Tyoh Tôr Trade Road Treason Pass Ts'eml Tukor Tumunamahal Unholy Sars Ûon Aegan Urulis Pass Vurkan Way of the Plains White Forge Wind-Gates Yelshey Yenkhûn Z'aprôr Zhûting Zyras

Creatures of the Farthest East[]

Angaunaiwëli Anlorvî Antelopes Bamboo-Rodents Bats Beavers Bees Black Bears Black Marsh-Hawks Black-necked Cranes Blue bears Blue Cerf Blue Sheep Brown Bears Butterflies Buzzards Camels Carnantor cat-eared hawks Cheetahs Cobras Coots Crickets crocodiles desert rats Dice snake Ducks Ekharvol Elks Etkin Euimark F'aana ferret-badgers Finior Flies Flying Dogs Flying foxes flying squirrels Fowl Foxes fur seals Gazelles Geese Giant Apes Giant Bloodsuckers Giant hornets Giant Salamanders Giant Silver Foxes Glorssi Goats Golden Cats golden crows Golden Pheasants Grass Snakes Great Goats Great Lizards greenbirds Grey wolves Grouses Gulls Hare Herons Hill Drakes Hog Badgers Horinn Horseshoe Bats Irval jumping mice Jungle Crows Kharhd Kingfishers Laekral Large Cats of Aegan leopards Leopard Cats Lions Locusts Long-horned beetles Lynx Mabelmaikli Marbled cats Marbled polecats Martens Merang Moltisk Mongoose Monkeys Moon-Bears Moon-Moths Mosquitos Mountain Ants mountain cats Mountain Wolves Mulkanar Musk Deer Nightingales Oak Moths Ostriches Paddlefish Painted bats Pandas Parrots phoenix Pigeons Pigs poison jackals Pulkis Rabbits Raccoon dogs Ram-Steeds Rats Ravens Red boars Red-crowned Crane Red eagles Red foxes Red gorals Reindeer Roe Deer Scorpions Sea-eagles Sea Fell Beasts sea lions sea turtles Seals Sheep small-clawed otters Shrews Shrikes Slirdu Snow Drakes Snow Leopards Sparrows spotted hyenas Spotted Seals Springing Spiders Squids Starfish Stink-Beetles Storks Sun bears Swans Thrushes Tigers Trusavi Ubrunwo Ulcercain Ursú Vionofh Vultures Wahtik War-wolves of Wâw Water buffalos Water deer Water-drakes Wauront Were-Worms White tigers Wolverine Wômaw-Horses wood-eating beetles Woodpeckers Wrens Yak Yellow Kine Yellow Weasels Zamamaks

