Undûrîadilîni (Av. "Belonging to the Elves of the descending Sun") also known as Khelnorin or Dursindarin (Dur.) was an Avarin dialect spoken only among those Dark Elves who served the Court of Aranórë.
Original form in MERP: Dursindarin = Ndûrâeidelâna = Undûrîadilîni
In the MERP module a mix of Quenya and Sindarin is used, however Sindarin was a language not usually known in the Utter South and while the Heads of the Court certainly spoke Quenya among themselves they most likely wouldn't have shared it with what they deemed their lesser subjects.More probably the language of the Court would have been an Avarin dialect close to those of the southern Cuind and Kinn-Lai elves.
In the Other Hands Magazine also the term "Khelnorin" is used for the dialect of those Avari corrupted by the court.