The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Umitic (Um.) was the language of the Umli.It was widely believed to be a language of the Easterling family, but was close in sound and some loanwords to Khuzdul (or possibly an outer-language based on Khuzdul once used by the Stiffbeards).

It was closely related to Syrkan, Haidic and Fustir and used the same script, sometimes called "Fustir-glyphs", which was based on Avarin "Tekmai".


In Rolemaster Umli is a language family of which Fustir and Syrkan are dialects.Umli script is based on Thorass, originally a script devised for Faerûn.

It's vocabulary base seems to be Kugor, which in turn seems to have been based on indo-european, turk and Athabaskan/na-dene elements.
