The Ulmic people (Kil. "Ulûmu-Lâi") were the indigenous populance of the Ulmic Coast on Southernesse's great east Continent.They were mostly Old Ones who had largely given up the ways of their ancestors and had adapted to small-town or rural life strongly influenced by the Girtmen with whom some of their ancestors had intermarried.They however still spoke their ancestral language, although they used Kiltanaic or Kùrúdfarî for communication with outsiders.Their religion was the local Ulmic Cult.
Inspired by:Middle-Earth Down Under: An Antipodean Campaign by Norman Talbot (Department of English, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan, Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia) ©1994 Norman Talbot; first published in Other Hands 4.n