Ulfang, an Easterling-Lord of the First Age
The Easterling people of Ulfang, led by Ulfang's son Uldor, were a people of Swarthy Men in the First Age. At first they had been allies of the Eldar, but betrayed them in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears when they defected to Morgoth. For this, Morgoth granted them Hithlum as their fief and prison, where they ruled over the remnants of the Hadorians, who gave them the name Wolf-folk. After the fall of Hithlum they were known to the Elves as the Ulbarim or Homeless Folk.
Some clans of Ulbarim survived the drowning of Beleriand and returned to the east where they made themselves lords of distantly related peoples in Rhûn. These were the Szrel and Vulszev.
In contrast to the agricultural Bórians the Uldorians were traditionally herders and cattlemen.
Uldorians of renown:[]
Blodren Borte Brodda the Incomer Broddun Jurga Lorgan Orlin Uker Uldor the Accursed Ulfang the Black Ulfast Ulwarth