An Ice-Elf of Luindor
The Ice-Elves (Av."Ugni'imi", "Blue Host") were an Avarin People on the northern peninsula of Middle-earth. They were the inhabitants of the land Ugnin'ôro but some groups also lived in Myr and Urd, especially in the forest of Dir.
- Original form: Luindrim = Ugni'imi
- In Other Hands Issue #28 the Ice-elves were identified with the Hwendi.In this wiki however they are identified with the speakers of the peculiar "north Avarin" dialect whick lacked initial consonants (mentioned in Parma Eldalamberon #19 ), leaving open they could be removed descendants of the Hwendi whose language was subject to phonological changes.
- MERP: Lords of Middle-earth II: the mannish races