Elven Bombardement Ship
Smaller variants of the elven Barge, or maybe small, six-oared, sail- and mastless versions of the Dromon were used by the elves as coastal transport-vessels. In times of war, these could be outfitted as "Tuscardheirath" (S."Bombardement-ships") with small ballistae or even catapults, firing explosive potions distilled by the Noldo alchemists. Luckily the elves were rarely attacked by sea, but with Sauron having theoretical access to the fleets of Umbar and Haradwaith, the Lords of Lindon still kept this option open.
- Length:
- Beam:
- Draft:
- Displacement:
- Freeboard:
- Keel:
- Construction:
- Strength:
- Deck:
- Forecastle:
- Midecastle:
- Aftercastle:
- Ram:
- Steering:
- Total Crew:
- Officers:
- Soldiers:
- Sailors:
- Rowers:
- Turn Radius:
- Turn Speed:
- Oar Banks:
- No.Oars:
- Rowers/Oar:
- Slow Rowing:
- Fast Rowing:
- Ramming:
- Racing:
- Masts:
- Sail Type:
- Slow Sail:
- normal Sail:
- fast Sail:
- max. Sail:
- Artillery:
- Provisions:
- Cargo:
- Notes:
Original name in BFME:Elven bombardement ship