Torhir Ifant (S."Old Royal Lord"?) was a Scholar who wrote the Dorgannas Iaur, a book that contained an "account of the shapes of the lands of old."
Outside of this not much was known about Torhir, though part of his name, Ifant, meant "old" in Goldogrin.The Name Torhir may contain the Doriathrin word "tôr" ("Kings") so he most likely was of mixed noldo-sindarin descend and most likely was born or grew up at the Falas or on the Isle of Balar.
No doubt he was old when he wrote the book, and it should be assumed that he had great knowledge and linguistic skills to have done so, he may have been one of the Lambeñgolmor of Eressëa.
Another possibility would be that Torhir was one of the late leaders of the Edain, maybe among those who had lived with the remaining Noldor and Sindar on Balar and later became the first settlers on Númenor.