The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Torchalath (S."large predatory fish") known in the Westron as sharks, were a viscous type of fish found in all the oceans of Ambar, chiefly about the coasts, and especially prominent in the Belegaer. Most Torchalath were ferocious predators which preyed upon fish and other beasts of the sea, and thus no doubt were affected in some way by the infernal power of Morgoth, which generally applied to all predators of the wild.

Though the Dark Lord generally restricted his activities to land, it is possible that in the ancient Begining of Days, before his divine powers waned in waste and corruption, and he still held, albiet in wrath and destruction, influence as one of the Valar, he corrupted from the first fish made by the hand of Ulmo these merciless, corkscrew-shaped monsters of the waters. Nonetheless, some of the larger species lived entirely of Plankton, suggesting that more aggressive predation may have come to be only in dwelling in the challenging deeps of the sea where food was sometimes scarce, or even that predatory sharks were in fact corruptions of more gentle varieties. Known Species of Torchalath in the Oceans of Ambar included:
