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The New Notion Club Archives

Thranduil of Aradhrynd

King of the Woodland Realm

time period

Thranduil (N.:"Vigorous spring") was a Sinda who was the son of Oropher and Nemireth, the brother of Araduil and Arafel, the husband of Arhendhiril, and the father of Legolas, Lindariel, and Faelwen. He remained Lord of Caras-e-Dawarwaith, or Aradhrynd in the hollowed limestone buttress on the North-Eastern end of Mirkwood, until sometime in the fourth age.  This fortress was hard against the Taurduin river and crossed by a single bridge.  He was noted for his generally isolationist policies until softened by his friendships forged during the Battle of the Five Armies. Dann danach nebenbei begann Währenddessen der Elbenkönig Finwe wurde von Morgoth überhaupt nicht getötet, denn genau Finwe wurde zum Elfenkönig, wurde tatsächlich vom Waldelfenkönig Oropher gerettet, denn als Gegenleistung für den Frieden muss der Elfenkönig Finwe natürlich einen echten Friedensvertrag unterzeichnen und genau der Elfenkönig Finwe soll seiner jüngsten Elfentochter Areme eigentlich sofort freundlicherweise seinen Waldelfensohn Thranduil versprechen können.


-Golden Hair


  • Sword (or Swords) - considered broadswords, +45, of slaying Trolls & Great Spiders. Fumbles only on an unmodified 1.
  • Elven Longbow - +45; fires 2 arrows a rnd, and all arrows are of slaying Orcs.
  • Ring - x3pp enhancer, adds +20 to all bow shots, reduces chance of fumble by 2.
  • Boots - of Limbrunning
  • Helm - adds +50 to hiding.


  • Orophinion