The Shire – overview:
In T.A. 1601, faced with the growing power of the noble house of Tarma, King Argeleb II of Arthedain chose to respond to the situation by dividing up the Tarma lands, claiming an ancient right over property in times of need. Advised by the Istar Gandalf, Argeleb granted four large but underpopulated parcels of land on the southern border of Arthedain to a sizable band of Hobbits. At this time, the brothers Marcho and Blanco had been petitioning the King for three years, hoping to gain some small plot of land on which to settle their wandering people. These first Hobbit settlers were soon joined by their cousins from Cardolan, Breeland, and Rhudaur, creating a sizable and stable community in a surprisingly short time. Argeleb, pleased by the success of his gift, bestowed many rights of self-governance upon the Hobbits, asking only for payment of an annual tax known among the Hobbits as "The Rent". The Hobbits spoke their own language among themselves, but many soon learned Westron in order to communicate with the Men and Dwarves who pass along the Great East Road on some errand.
The Shire in T.A. 1640-1650[]
- Political Organization: Autonomous Shire of Arthedain; clan-based aristocracy.
- Rulers: Argeleb II, King of Arthedain, nominal overlord; Marcho and Blanco, Fallohide Hobbits, Founders of The Shire, first rulers by popular acclamation.
- Administrative Organization: Officials elected by clan members, land divided into four Farthings, further subdivided by private ownership.
- Population: 12.500 Hobbits (and growing fast).
- Military: 300 Standing Fyrd led by elected Shirriffs; 1.500 Levy organized by clan.
- Products: Grain, fruit, mushrooms.
- Symbol: None.
Although the brothers Marcho and Blanco made the decisions which concerned all of the Shire, most power was held by the hereditary thains of each tribe. A few tribes, however, elected officials to carry out work for the good of the community, with the thains taking on a ceremonial role, usually prominent on feast-days. The Shire was organized along the boundaries of the old Arthadan territories, now known as Farthings. Marcho and Blanco originally intended to grant a farthing to each clan, but the turbulence of the sudden influx of new immigrants made the farthings little more than lines on the map. The clans mixed more or less freely; only the most aristocratic concerned themselves with the continuity of their clans when they made a marriage match. The Hobbitry-in-arms was a volunteer force, commanded by the more influential citizens, which met every month to practice military maneuvers. Few Men remained in The Shire, but bandits, some hired by the Tarmas, viewed the Hobbits as easy pickings. The Hobbit-fyrd however managed to change their opinion. The Shire is quietly agricultural, self-sufficient in most areas. Each year, a surplus of grain, fruit, and mushrooms went to the Autumn Fair at Bree. Despite their skill at smithing, Hobbit smelting practices were quite crude, and those who lived along the Great East Road eagerly traded for ingots of pure copper, iron, and tin. Along the East Road, Hobbit culture was decidedly more "Mannish": Hobbits there dwelled in houses above ground, rather than in the burrows known as "smials," and all of these more urban Hobbits spoke Westron among themselves on a daily basis.
The Shire in T.A. 3018-3019[]

- Rulers: Will Whitfoot, Mayor of Michel Delving; Paladin II Took, Thain of the Shire; Saradoc Brandybuck, Master of Buckland.
- Administrative Organization: Officials elected by clan members; land divided into four Farthings, further subdivided by private ownership.
- Population: about 500.000 Hobbits.
- Military: 2000 Hobbitry-in-arms; four elected Shirriffs leading up to 40 Bounders; 3.000 Levy organized by clan (for example: 100 archers of Tookland).
- Products: Grain, fruit, mushrooms.
- Symbol: A Green Smial-Door; four-folded Clover

Regions of the Shire[]
- Baggins Country
- Boffin Country
- Bolger Territory
- Bottomvale
- Bracegirdle Country
- Bridgefields
- Buckland
- Bullroarer's Sward
- Eastfarthing
- Faynerach
- Hornblower Country
- Northfarthing
- Sarnfields
- Southfarthing
- Tookland
- Watersvalley
- Westfarthing
- Westmarch
Adjacent to the Shire Bounds[]
A - C
D - K
L - R
S - Z
Settlements of the Shire[]
Other Sites[]
the Eath Gandalf Goldberry the Gulper Mock the Trickster Muddling Annis Old man willow Sharkey Spirit of the Barrow Tom Bombadil
Elindiel Galenlain Halatir Meryale Sularin
Around T.A. 1640-1650:
- Blanco Broggo Lightstep Cleff Bolger Daisy Yalekin Doddle Huntfox Dora Fawn Fenlon Bellager Goodwife Margot Grammy Yale Gresham Shaper Hatch Ember Haver Wark Isumbras Tookthain Kocho Kurl Lolly Snipe Marcho Marcho Hardback Mayferry Codden Molly Boffin Nimir Osprey Permagin Pendle Pete Appley Samwise Axeward Tunny Degwell
Between T.A. 1700 and T.A. 2500:
- Belladonna Took-Baggins Bucca of the Marish Bandobras Took Ferumbras Took II Ferumbras Took II Gerontius Took Isumbras Took I Isumbras Took II Isumbras Took III Isumbras Took IV Lavender Grubb Tobold Hornblower
Between T.A. 2500 and 2950:
- Buffo Boffin Ivy Goodenough
Around T.A.2950:
Around T.A. 3018-3019:
- Dahlia Northtook Eustace Grubb Falco Northtook Frodo Baggins Jesprin Elms Leffly Bowden Lobelia Sackville-Baggins Lotho Sackville-Baggins Meriadoc Brandybuck Manlow Clarly Master Worrywort Miles Brandy Mugwort Sandyman Nora Bolger Odo Baggins Paladin Took II Peregrin Took Precious Gorbuck Rose Cotton Samwise Gamgee Tuggle Cooper Wag Muncy Wilcome Whitfoot
Fourth Age:
- Beregond Took Elanor Gamgee Faramir Took Fastred of Greenholm Frodo Gardner Ordelred Took
Around T.A. 1640-1650:
- Ahnethir Amalin Aradan of House Marwen Baret Baranfindel Belvor Brandir Bredda Calach Celarin Cluad Delrin Dorvic Dromibar Euric Finralin Gardeleg Gathdin Gellain Oakeye Gimbal Idril Idris Leovigild Buthuila Lorgas Mag of the Durkins Mallick Melforn Minastir Roane Whitestag Shebrim Tamir Whitestag Thireny Thiudimer Tib Tobe Tormin Vengaree Welb
Between T.A. 1700 and T.A. 2500:
Around T.A.2950:
Around T.A. 3018-3019:
- Arteveld Babbin Beretar Badlands Bert Greenshins Bodmin Curudur Feannan Redwing Hawkeye Muagan Yelloweye Ronadil Pirasin Svinder Tossel Theodwine Emnetsun Tully Hawkswell Turin the Ranger
Fourth Age:
- Lúthien Badlands Malvegil
Annunlor Athelwyn Finrod Golfimbul Ilaesa the Pale Knight Tregon White Ghost
Kelvar: Aurochs Badgers Bindbole Weavers Biting Gnats Biting Shrews Black Bears Black-beaked brown Spoonbills Black-beaked white Spoonbills Black-necked Grebes Blackbird Black Kite Blue-headed Ducks Blue Jay Bogbulls Bog-slugs Bog-Toads Broadteeth Bumblebees Burrowing Shrews Buzzards Buzzing Gnats Chipmunks Coireal collar-duck Crop-scourge Crows Cuckoos Dappled deer Doe Ducks Dun-colored Hawks Dwarfed Goose Eagles Elven Horses Elven Codger Famadritan Fat Blackflies Fat Pigeons Ferret Finches Fishing Owls Flitting Bats Fowl Geese Giant Stainless Heron Glutans Goats Golden Perches Gophers Goral Gray Heron Great Brown Honeybees Great Marsh Lizards Great Rust-Herons Great Stag-Beetles Greater white-fronted Geese Ground Squirrels Harbdo Hares Harlequin-Ducks Hart Harvest-flies Hedgehog Hart Hill-bears Hornets Great Brown Honeybees Great White Stall-rabbits Grey Herons Grouse Hill-toads Hill Tuskers Hobbit Ponies Hobbit Sheep Hornets Hounds Hornets Ice Goose Insects Lanner Hawk Lark Lesser Sparrow-Hawks Lesser white-fronted Geese Long-grass Swine Long-tooth Shrews Lossirion-hare Madratine Mallards Marish-slugs Mink Moss-backs Mouse Weasle Muck-glutton slithers Mudsuckers Nack-Spiders Non-poisonois Asp Northern Shovelers Opossum Otters Partridges Petty Swampnatter Pheasants Pigeons Pigs Pikes Plucket Crow Pond Frogs Purple Herons Quails Raccoon Ravens Red deer Red Foxes Red-headed Duck Ribbon Snakes Rock Viper Rodents Roe Ruffs Sable Sheep Hound Shire Boxers Shire-Packhorses Shiredown Cattle short-legged Hobbit Coneys Shoveler Singing Swan Small Marsh-snakes Spotted Lions Split-tail Ducks Squirrels Stag Beetle Stinging Gnats Storks Sungazers (Bittern) Tardy Buzzard Thieving Shrews Tiny Tree-Falcons Trout Grey wolves Tree-Weavers Tuskers Voles Wall-lizards Wasps Water-whip Weasle White Adder white-fronted goose White Hart White Pigeons White-tails Whooper-Swans Wigeons Wild Boar Wild Goat Wild Pigeons Wood-bears Woodchuck Wood-foxes Woodhens
Other: Awakened trees Barrow-wights Bog Stars Cockatrice Corpse Lights Foxfire Ghosts Hanging Tendrils Jeebies Mewlips Mucklings Nackers Nakefaire Nenixil Neblins Skeletons Wood Trolls
Appletree Beeches Beet Cabbage Cherry-tree Chrystal-clear Plum Cleaver Cloverwort blue-lilac blooming comfrey Bushbells Coning Noodling Cowslip creamy-coloured bog rhubarb Creamy coloured Devil's hat Cuckoo Flower Currant Death Cups Eater ’s Leaf Fire-for-Norbury Fornost-Apple Giant field mushroom Gooseberries Great White Mushrooms Grey Inky Caps Hamanullas Henbane Jegga Jitsu Juth Lithe-wort Longbottom Leaf Marsh Orchids Menegilda Norbury-Apple Longbottom Leaf Old Toby Pear Tree Petty Lavender pinecone caps Pipeweed Plums Poisonous Red Rowan Primrose Radish Raspberry Redberried Bryony Red Wine Reed Rhubarb Sackville-wort Silmaana Smelly Storksbill Southern Star Southfarthing Fine Sunny amber-Raspberries Taters tender pink Bogbeans Tomatoes Violet Knights Violet lemon-Thyme Walnut Watercress White Cabbage Wild Blackberries Wild Brambles Yellowcheekies Zaganzar
- MERP: The Shire
- MERP: Arnor