The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Thaurrim (S. "Foul Ones), Thawechil ( S."degenerate men") , also Firiath Dannen (S."fallen men") or Quelehtimafírimar (Q. "Corrupted mortals") were terms applied by the Loremasters of the Eldar and Númenóreans to what ,as they theorized , were mortal men who had come under domination of the dark lords or another Strong will or had been exposed to and heavily tainted by the "shadow" or powerful Sorcery and were in a few generations reduced to a savage state, almost of Orc-level in mind and habits.These could even be made to mate with Orcs, producing new breeds, often larger and more cunning.

The race of the Drughu was often thought to have been the descendants of men who had escaped Morgoth's experiments, as they and the Orcs regarded each other as traitors or renegades.

Among the Men of Darkness and within the Dark Worship however those few mortals who had been made greater and stronger by the "touch of the Dark Lords" were seen as chosen ones or Mighty Ones (B.S."Bolashi") and exalted and their transformation as a gift (B.S."Thrâkdarat") and enhancement.They instead viewed the "light of Aman" which filled the High Elves as a sort of evil curse inflicted on them by "the enemies.

Possible other examples of fallen men:[]



Fallen men may have been similar to mortal or "false or living ghouls".
