Théoden Ednew
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Time Period
T.A. 2948 - 3019
Théoden Ednew was a remarkable Rohir Monarch; he was born in Minas Tirith in T.A. 2948, and accordingly the King had an understanding of the Sindarin language and a respect and desire for Númenórean things that was unlike that of his sires. A hale Warrior and wise counselor, his father was Thengel and his mother was Morwen of Lossarnach, contributing to his noble western-centric philosophies. He succeeded his father as the seventeeth King of
Rohan in T.A. 2980, and was the last of the Second Line of the
Mark, after which followed
Theoden's reign, like that of his father's, was define by conflict with Saruman the Istar and his realm at Isengard. The wizard's power waxed in his new fortress, and with his foul brood, he began assailing nearby realms, and so the nearby Riddermark was increasingly threatened with raid and war. In accordance with his plans, in old days he had been an ally and friend, the Wizard's power now swelled and his minions multiplied ince with his plans, Saruman used powerful spells and the convenient treachery of Grima Wormtongue to weaken Theoden, and only the intervention of Gandalf saved Rohan from being completely subverted to the needs of the evil Istar. The crisis was at its worst in early T.A. 3019, in the midst of the War of the Ring. Theoden's mind was heavy when Saruman's armies attacked across the Fords of Isen (S. "Ethraid Angren"). Théodred, the Rohir King's only, and grown, child and heir, died in the first battle by the river, and the Riders were scattered in a later confrontation on the same spot. Doom appeared near, but the Grey Wizard's healing hand reversed matters. Theoden's strong allies and captains, coupled with the fortuitous aid from Fangorn's Ents, provided the Rohirrim with their victories at Helms Deep and Isengard. His own force in the battle was aided by the valiant elders and youths of the Westfold, who survived to record the tale, and witht hte aid also of other forces from Rohan led by the Grey Pilgrim, his people achieved victory against the Orcs and their allies. Theoden and his army soon recovered, and in their renewed state, they flocked to the aid of Gondor, who had aided them in their need through Aragorn I's help, at the battle of Pelennor Fields. There, the King of the Mark led his Riders against the army of the Witch-king, scattering the Orcs north of Minas Tirith and driving the Haradrim southward killing their High-King Suladân. It was at the moment of his greatest victory that he perished, for the Lord of the Nazgul flew down upon Theoden and his horse, felling the charging Rohir and killing his mount. Although Theoden' s niece, Éowyn, slew the Ringwraith and his Fell Beast, the Rohir King could not be saved. He died after passing the Royal Banner of the Mark to Eowyn's brother Éomer. His body was laid to rest in Minas Tirith, where he was born. As Theoden's successor, his loyal nephew Eomer (son of Théodwyn) became Rohan's eighteenth King (T.A. 3019). He ordered that Theoden's remains removed to Rohan and placed in the eighth barrow-tomb of the Second Line. Thus, the Rohirrim finally buried their fallen monarch outside of Edoras.
Theoden's Principal Items[]
- Armour of the Mark
- Banner of the Mark
- Beaked Axe of Theoden
- Chalice of the King
- Crown of Rohan
- Helmet of the Mark
- Sceptre of Éorl
- Shield of the Mark — (Horse-lord's Shield)
- Sword — (Herugrim) Orc-slaying broadsword of fine steel inlaid with delicate patterns and designs wrought of gold.