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The New Notion Club Archives

Telimektar, known as the Swordsman of Heaven, was a Maia of the host of Tulkas, counted among the most valiant of the Ainur. According to legend, he was a fierce warrior who fought alongside his lord in the wars against Melkor and was later set among the stars as a guardian of Arda, watching against the return of the Dark Enemy from the Void. His celestial vigil was remembered in the night sky, where he was seen as the constellation Menelmacar, known to later Men as Orion.


Telimektar was first spoken of in the Elder Days, when he fought at the side of Tulkas against Melkor in the War of Powers that led to the chaining of the Dark Lord. He was still young by the measure of the Ainur—"but just war-high"—yet bore a long sword of silver, its blade shining even against the blackest shadows. Girt at his waist with a belt of silver, he was counted as the greatest of Tulkas’ champions, his might drawn from unyielding joy and strength in battle.

When Melkor, freed from his imprisonment, wrought the Darkening of Valinor, Telimektar was among those who pursued him into the wastes of Middle-earth. He fought alongside Oromë in the great hunt for Morgoth and his ally Ungoliant, but the Enemy had vanished into the North, hidden within the depths of Angband. Some tales say that when the Valar pursued Melkor across the world, Telimektar alone nearly caught him, yet the Dark Lord eluded capture until the great war that followed.

At the end of the First Age, in the great War of Wrath, Telimektar fought once more at the side of Eönwë, wielding his sword against the hosts of Morgoth. Though the Dark Lord was cast down and thrust beyond the Door of Night, Telimektar’s task was not yet done. After the banishment of Morgoth, Telimektar chose exile not upon the earth, but in the sky itself. Fearing that Morgoth’s will would one day return, he took up a watchful vigil among the stars, ever guarding Arda against the return of the Dark Enemy. It was said that Varda herself placed him among the firmament, gifting him the Silver Belt of the Heavens, and he took his place as Menelmacar—the celestial warrior, known later to the Children of Ilúvatar as Orion.

Some whispered that his stars gleamed with the light of his silver blade, a sign that he yet stood ready for Dagor Dagorath, the Last Battle, when Morgoth would break through the Gates of Night and return to the world.


  • Long Sword of Silver: Forged from pure starlight in the halls of Aulë, this blade was lighter than any steel yet stronger than any metal found in Arda. It was said that its edge never dulled, and that it could cleave through shadow itself.
  • Silver Belt: A gift from Varda, this girdle of celestial metal bound him to the sky. It shone like a chain of radiant stars, forming the constellation of Menelmacar.


  • Daimord
  • Daimort
  • Mordo
  • Taimavar
  • Taimondo
  • Taimonto
  • Taimordo
  • Telimbektar
  • Telmaithron
  • Telumaithar
  • Telumaithor
  • Telumaithron
  • Telumehtar
  • Telumaith
  • Telumaithweg


In the Book of Lost Tales "Telimektar" was still one of the Valarindi, the son of Tulkas and Vána.In the later Legendarium his name was simply reused as the name of a Star (and a gondorian King Telumehtar).This article is a fanfiction re-interpretation of him as a Maia who became a celestial object similar to Eärendil the Mariner.
