The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Telcontari or House Telcontar were the royal family and line of Kings of the Reunited Kingdom, the children and descendants of Aragorn Elessar and Arwen Evenstar, and their son Eldarion Telcontar. The house consisted of all those men, women, and children who were related by blood to the King, which included foreign nobility, but only the King’s child, preferably male, could reign. Aragorn's heirs ruled a great realm and constituted an epoque of peace in the Westlands which lasted for almost 1000 years (despite several minor revolts and boundary disputes).The early Telcontari saw themselves as Priest-kings and Philosopher-kings who granted their subjects much freedom and mostly ruled indirectly and in harmony with the great council that represented the many local and provincial lords.They conducted the rites of the Circle of the year and the great prayers to the Allfather and only in war acted as the chief-leader of their high captain-generals who mainly were elected from the higher tiers of the provincial nobility. Most of their duty was representative though they supported the arts and gathered the greatest scholars and thinkers at their courts, built theatres and houses of music and song and acted as examples of the realms high ideals rather than strict rulers, though they still officially were the highest judges and had the final word in the interpretation of the sacred old laws. It was said that after ten generations (ca. 2000-2500 years) there were still kings who traced their descend from the line of Telcontar, though by then the Reunited Kingdom already had dissolved into countless successor-tribes and a number of autonomous city states.

The Line of Telcontar[]

  • Elessar II ("Nimirbor") - FO 264 - 408
  • Elendil Telcontar ("Nimirbêl") -FO 408 - 552
  • Isildur Telcontar ("Nilbêor") -FO 552 - 700
  • Anárion Telcontar ("Urûrêd") -FO 700 - 775
  • Arathorn Telcontar ("Tûranark") -FO 775 - 799
  • Beleg Telcontar ("Avalnar") or Hyarmendacil III ("Akhârgast") - FO 799 - 900
  • Eärnil Telcontar ("Azarbêl") - FO 843 - 950
  • Telumehtar Telcontar ("Delgubatânard") - FO 950 - 1000
  • Arvedui Telcontar ("Tûranneg") - FO 1001 - 1072
  • Kingless years - FO 1072 - 1100
  • Division of the Twin-Kingdom between Eärendur Telcontar ("Azarbêor") and Targon Telcontar ("Tûranbor"),both not of House Telcontar proper.

Altough the official Quenya names of the Telcontari-monarchs were still used in official documents and by learned scribes, in everyday life the common-folk used their Westron names and, after Eldarion even the Telcontari themselves discontinued the use of the Eldarin tongues in their everyday life and started to use their Westron names even for official purposes.


  • Middle-Earth Play-by-Mail - the Fourth Age Scenario