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The New Notion Club Archives

A Tayb-Warrior in Battle-Garb

“Death brings silence and true oneness with God,” wrote Maib Damak, High Priest of the Silent One. The Followers of the Silent One were feared throughout Sirayn. They were referred to as the Tayb (Ta. “Avert the Gaze”) because of the belief that they had the manfús (Ta. “Evil Eye”). It was rumored that if one of the Followers looked upon a person, he or she would die a horrible death. This rumor was true, for the Tayb were relentless killers. Each had to kill at least once every year to stay in favor with their deity, Taimaraud (the Silent One, the All-Seeing, the Dark Enemy). The individual who failed this duty had to commit ritual suicide. Initiates to the cult imbibed a special elixir conducted from the venom of the Painted Scorpion. Those who survived the initial convulsions and mad ravings were admitted into the order. In public, the Tayb wore long dark robes (which concealed weapons nicely) with voluminous hoods that reached over the head to hide the face. An amulet, five inches in diameter with a lidless eye raved at its center and worn on a long chain around the neck more clearly identified Followers of Taimaraud. Their battle dress, only donned when scouring the countryside on military maneuvers or a killing mis- sion, consisted of a tunic made of small pieces of black, lacquered wood, steel greaves on legs and forearms, and a visored helmet shaped to resemble a serpent’s head. Referred to as the Silent Ones, the Tayb had never been heard to speak. Sign language was their only form of communication, even in private. The Tayb maintained temples or shrines in each of the cities of Sîrayn. They also had a citadel in the Tûr Betark called Aksari. From Aksari, the High Priest sent forth the word of Taimaraud. The most “devout” of the Tayb served at the mountain fortress where they received extensive training in the ways of death and death dealing. These killers were sent back to lead the temples in the cities. In darker circles, it was rumored that the Tayb might be hired to perform ritual slayings and murders. Although normal citizens had not the power to hire one of the Silent Ones, the order did take killing assignments from the Gulmathaur of the Witch-king’s realm in Angmar.


  • MERP:Greater Harad