Tareg (Av."High-Thorn") was an Avar from Helkanen who after the Battle of Palisor led many of his kinsmen, the tribes of the Penni and Windan, into the Westlands. Other Avari sundered themselves from Tareg's host during the long wandering and mostly moved southwards. From these Elves (mostly Nelyar) the Pêdi, Pái, and elves of Târun descended.
Tareg is mentioned only briefly in the Book of Lost Tales, his story was never finished or re-integrated to the Legendarium.However the Trek of Tareg's host could explain the appearance of Eol's folk in Beleriand and the Penni in Rhovanion and Rhûn as well as many other Avari tribes mentioned in MERP such as the Fuinar of Taur Galen or Taaliraan.