The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Tar-Vanimeldë (Q. "Queen Fair-Beloved") (SA 2277—2637) was the third Ruling Queen and sixteenth ruler of Númenor. She was the daughter of Tar-Telemmaitë, who passed the Sceptre to her upon his death in SA 2526.

Her reign was marked by the rise of her husband and cousin Herucalmo (a descendant of Tar-Atanamir), who administered the land while she concentrated on the composition of music and dance. She bore an heir, Alcarin, but the sceptre passed to Herucalmo (who ruled as Tar-Anducal, although later struck from the historical record) upon her death.


  • MERP: The Mannish Races
  • Unfinished Tales