The Tanâi or T’loc-loc were an small tribe of diminuitive,almost child-like , appearance, supposedly partly of Ilorian blood, native to the Isles of Tanâ.They were known as inhospitable, even hostile, particularly to their supposed remote Namâri kinsmen.
In Rolemasters Kulthea setting the Tanai are inconsistently described either as Half-Elves or Erlin.If adapted to a Middle-Earth setting they should be re-imagined as Avari or Haradrim, possibly even a Drughu-folk whose ancestors had been culturally influenced by Wild Elves.A still different option could be to consider them a people akin to the Halflings of the Westlands.
- Rolemaster: Emer Atlas II by Terry K. Amthor
- Rolemaster:Haalkitaine and the Imperial Court of Rhakhaan by Terry K. Amthor