Hey Haerg, where did you find all these extra items for the Valar? The Chariots, White Bow for Manwe, and why don't the females have chariots? Or do they? Or is this all made up by you (which I don't care if it is, seems cool. But if you could point me where I can find and read about these as I can't find these items in Valar and Maiar book, or LOME Vol. 1 the immortals. So if you could help me out, I would appreciate it. Moran half valar (talk) 18:51, April 14, 2014 (UTC)
- They weren't mentioned in LoME but they appear in the Book of Lost Tales.I'm still looking for a reference where Tulkas wears a bear-skin and a Longbow...--Haerangil (talk) 20:57, April 14, 2014 (UTC)
Well, I also think you are wrong with Manwe having the White Bow. That was Orome's weapon. Tulkas doesn't have a bow, though I would like to know what his guantlets do? Are they powerful or from Lost Tales as well? Let me know...and why don't any of the females have chariots? Moran half valar (talk) 05:52, April 15, 2014 (UTC)
Nope. http://www.annalsofarda.dk/annals-of-arda/Battles-index-tables/Battles/War-of-the-Gods.htm