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The New Notion Club Archives

Even though it's very likely that he was one of Yavanna's people, it's also very likely he was a non-Ainur avatar of the landscape of the Old Forest itself.  We don't know for sure, nor are we meant to know for sure.  I think the possibility is worth bringing up.  SuperGrantZilla (talk) 06:26, January 10, 2015 (UTC)

  • As far as I know Tolkien denied that he was a Maia. He still might hve been another kind of Ainur, not strictly a maia in the sense of a servant of a specific Vala... But I prefer to see him as an Avatar of the Landscape, one of the Spirits of Arda kind of creature... maybe Ainur in origin, but rather part of the world herself.I still included the Yavanna-connection as that was the version presented in the old ICE MERP Books--Haerangil (talk) 20:09, January 10, 2015 (UTC)
  • Oh good! I was afraid you'd object to my alternate theory that he might have been an Avatar of the Great Eriadorian Forest Landscape! Okay, I'll put in that detail of the Spirits of Arda. SuperGrantZilla (talk) 20:14, January 10, 2015 (UTC)

Yeah, he could still be a Chief of Yavanna, but not a Maia. I am okay with this concept. Yavanna molded forests, life, and helped in many ways with the earth. I am good with this idea. Moran half valar (talk) 20:16, January 10, 2015 (UTC)