The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

I have added {{Citation needed}} because the source of this character is a mystery, and therefore the statements presented cannot be verified. Nor do I have the time (nor the inclination) to invest in researching the possible source(s).
As a general guideline, simply adding an appropriate category, such as [[Category:MERP]], would be sufficient, and at least narrow down the possible source(s).
-Hlingler (talk) "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." EB Hall, "Friends of Voltaire", 1906 19:15, 19 April 2021 (UTC)

I believe the user made up this character for he needed a name who led the Broadbeams innthe War of the Dwarves and Orcs.--Haerangil (talk) 01:07, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

OK, I removed the {{Citation needed}}: this character is too minor to fuss or care about.
As far as the language: I keep forgetting that Anglo-Saxon (Old English) represents Éothéodan.
-Hlingler (talk) "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." EB Hall, "Friends of Voltaire", 1906 10:43, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

choice of words[]

Sorry but i believe phrases such as "how to hold his mud in a fight" , "expert drinker" or "Dain's worlds" are not suitable to an encyclopedia... --Haerangil (talk) 11:59, November 30, 2018 (UTC)