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i always interpreted Valadan as "man of the Valar", i always thought the -ndan such as in Mirdain, Celerdain etc. element not necessarily as "smith" but as "maker" as in "doer" "person that does" or simply "man", like Adan, it means (high)-man, but strictly it means "follow+agent" or "one who does follow" "following-man" etc. --Haerangil (talk) 03:26, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

I was just trying to extract a meaningful translation of the word given, and "God-smith" is what I came up with. Other possible renderings (without altering the name): "Power-smith" (smith [of] power); "Vala-smith" (smith [of a] Vala). Or other renderings according to your points: "Man [of] God"; "Man [of a] Vala"; "Man [of] power". I just want to render translations as much as possible. Pick any of the meanings above, or similar – your choice here. -Hlingler (talk) "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." EB Hall, "Friends of Voltaire", 1906 11:22, 20 April 2021 (UTC)