The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Taliska (Tal."I speak") or Beörian was the archaic Edainic tongue of the Bëorians.It was a close relative to Old Magó, as both languages were heavily influenced by Nandorin.The Adûnaic accent of Emerië (and later Calenardhon) was strongly influenced by Taliska in both, accent and loanwords.

Known Words:[]

  • Beör -Vassal, Follower
  • -in - Host, People, pl. ending
  • Nóm - Wise, Wisdom
  • Nómin -Noldor
  • skirditaila - runic series
  • Widris - Wisdom


  • Angrim
  • Arachon
  • Arthad (?)
  • Balan
  • Baran (prob. not Sindarin)
  • Beldir (?)
  • Beldis
  • Belegor
  • Belemir
  • Belen
  • Beleth (?)
  • Bereg
  • Beril (?)
  • Boron (?)
  • Bregil
  • Bregor
  • Eilinel (?)

It is not entirely clear which names of the men of the house of Beor are actual Taliska.Some names, including Adanel, Andreth, Arthod, Baragund, Barahir, Baranor, Belegund, Beren, Bereth, Boron, Brandir, Bregolas, Dagnir, Dairuin, Dior, Eilinel, Eledhwen, Gildor, Gilwen, Gorlim, Hathaldir, Hirwen, Lalaith, Morwen, Nienor, Niniel, Radhruin, Ragnor, Rian, Rimion, Turambar, Turin, Urwen and Urthel are variously stated to be Noldorin-Sindarin/Goldogrin or Ilkorin/Nandorin in origin, but at least some may represent mixed forms or edainic names formally adjusted to Sindarin spelling and word formation. The Name Boromir is once stated to represent such a mixed form.


Beorian or Taliska shares many aspects with Gothic, old Greek and anglo-saxon.This seems to contradict JRRTs statement that Beorian was closely related to Marachian (or old Mago), which later became Adûnaic.Adûnaic was heavily inspired by semitic languages while at the Time JRRT was thinking of old Magol he was experimenting with finno-ugrian languages.
