Tal-Elmar uHazad Longbeard
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Originally: Agar
Iaurdaenael (Dialect of the Coastal-people)
Time Period
S.A. ca. 1200-1900
Hazad Longbeard; Damah (N)
Atal (N), Barran (N), Girim (N), Holdon (N), Lemen (N), Locher (N), Maran(N) , Nurnan (N), Omni (N), Patal (N), Ragad (N), Razal (N), Rugu (N), Ruztal (N), Sember (N), Talg (N)
(N) = non-canon
Tal-Elmar (Dn. "Who looks like Elmar"?), also called "flint-eye",was a man living in Agar in the Second Age and was the seventeenth son of Hazad Longbeard. The exact date is not given but he probably lived sometime in the mid to late Second Age, perhaps soon before the establishment of the first númenorean colonies in later Gondor. His story comprised of the Númenorians coming to Middle Earth who recognized him to be different from the "Wild Men" they had encountered before and chose to treat him kindly, believing him to be possibly of númenorean descend.Perhaps these were Faithful, and Tal-Elmar's diplomacy may have earned him rights into the ranks of Elendil's forces. Or perhaps these were men of Ar-Pharazôn, in which case Tal-Elmar may have had a long battle against the Númenorians and died a hero's death. Given that the story is conjecture--the most probable outcome would be Tal-Elmar's diplomacy allowing him to save Agar and gaining a foothold in the ranks of Elendil's kingdom of later Gondor, thus saving his people and allowing them to be enlightened.
It has been suggested that his later adventures led him to the Ettenmoors, Rhovanion or Wilderland, river Anduin and even the great sea of Rhun and he played an important part in forming an alliance between the ancestors of the Northmen and the Elendili.
One fanfic story involves Tal-Elmar being brought to Númenor, and the Captain of the men whom he encountered as non other than a young Er-Mûrazôr, the later Witch-king.
Tal-Elmar shares some characteristics with the abandoned character Agaldor from the lost road.