The elves inhabiting Talirân, constructed beautiful and elaborate homes in the branches of the huge trees, which often grew to heights exceeding 200 feet.The greatest example of this was Tëarondê (SW Av. "Tree-rock"), the city which presided over the district of the same name, north and west of Kôronânde. It was almost entirely Elven in population. Tëarondê the city was in fact a cluster of the Lûraks, "lord-trees" of the jungle, into the branches of which had been built elaborate homes and workshops, inns and halls, all well over one hundred feet above the jungle floor.
Original form in MERP:Tauronde = Taurondo = Tëarondê
- ICE MERP #2500: The Court of Ardor in Southern Middle-earth (Campaign Setting, 1E)