The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

A map of the area around the Sun-Pillar.

The Sun-Pillar of Tar-Telperien (Kil."Ûrêtârik") was the remnant of a Númenórean monument first built in the Second Age,  at Hot Gates on Southernesse's great east-continent's Eastern Coast. It was slender and tall but made of a white metal so unyielding that neither the hate of warriors, nor the labour of slaves, nor the skills of evil mages, nor even the malice of defeated gods made a mark upon it over all the centuries. Nor were the complex ellipses carved on the chronometric floor below ever scarred by any mischief, excepting a time during the Wars in the late Third Age. Blasting-powder had cracked a single deep sliver from the southmost or summertime-dial at the pillar's foot, for some three men's length, and blackened a much larger area.
