Storugoruz beneath Mount Suk Skuthriga

Storugoruz Detail

Storugoruz - upper Level
The tribal hold of the Skuthrugai was situated in a hill valley between three low peaks. The hold was a cave system, once a copper mine, now worked out (the seam continued about two miles away, where it was still worked). There were two cave systems; the larger half extended under the higher peak, Suk Skuthruga at an elevation of only 3,632 feet. This side had been somewhat enlarged from the original mineworkings; the smaller caves were partly flooded. Between them was a gathering area, used only for large nocturnal ceremonies or mustering of troops. A pair of low curved earth banks surrounded a carved circular stone plinth: together these formed the shape of a stylized eye when viewed from a higher elevation. (The Skuthrugra symbol was a white mountain surrounding a red eye).The main part of Storugoruz (Or. "Big Mine") lay beneath the Suk Skuthruga (Or. "Dark-murderers'Hill"). This former mine varied considerably in level. All the passages were constructed with rough, unfinished stone. Some of the passages were very narrow or had extremely low ceilings (as little as three feet in height and width).
- MERP:Angmar (2nd Edition)