A Stonefoot-Lord
The Stonefoots (Kh. Azali-Dûraz), also known as Malln´s or Bavor's folk, were one of the seven tribes of the Khazâd. They were also known as the "Red Dwarves".
The extremely loyal Stonefoots or Jewel-Dwarfs were one of the two tribes of Eastern Middle-Earth. Awoken in the Red Mountains along with their fellow Tribe, the Blacklocks, the Stonefoots were the Clan of Malln or Bavor.
After a Golden Fire Dragon drove the dwarfs away from their awakening Place, the great North-Hall near the Ganadlû Pass, the Stonefoots went Southwards and founded the Great City of Khazad-Madûr in Akhuzdah (Ahulë), later they also built an Overground religious centre, the Khalarazûm.
Only 7 years after the founding of Tumanahal, the second Dwarven tribe came to Rûrîk. They arrived in hope of settling in the northern part of the Walled Land, for their lord, the aged Malln North-King.Bavor’s folk received all the lands north of the Faliodukûm. The two tribes had little trouble in prospering, despite the occasional forays from the Fale tribes and the servants of the Kank of Ruartar. 453 after the founding of Rurik, Muar – a Demon from Uab and Uax appeared in Ralian, and conquerred Rurik in SA 1157. The tragic tale of Rurik ended centuries later, in SA 2742 (Fulla VII crowned as King of Rurik, heir of Bavor’s line).

A Stonefoot Elder
Kings of the Stonefoots[]
- 0. Malln
- 0. Malln II North-King 1st Age -?
- 0. Vigdis 1st Age, ruling Queen
- 1. Vigdis II 721-814 SA
- 2. Drûhar Dawnwarrior 814-899 SA
- 3. Drûs the Bold 853-909 SA
- 4. Dhârim Wolfsbane 909-1011 SA
- 5. Bhûm 1011 -1032 SA
- 6. Glêm 1032-1103 SA
- 7. Drârn 1103-1157 SA
- 8. Malln III - 1157 SA
- 9. Gûrn the Survivor-Lord 1157-?

Stonefoot Dwarves with their remarkeable reddish skin
The Stonefoots were especially known as great artists, skilled in the work with Marble, but they also were busy Merchants. They were called "Red Dwarves" for dyeing their Hair and skin with a special red colour, made from a rock of the Orocarni.
- Baraz-lagil
- Baruzdazar
- Baruzkhizdîn
- Felbuzad
- Gabilzahar
- the great North-Hall
- Khalarazûm
- Kharukthalad
- Khazad-Madûr
- Kheledh-Dûm (Mirror-Halls)
- Narag-gund
- Radimbragaz
- Thisule
Stonefoots of Renown[]
Ái Bâm Bhâl Bhalli Stonehand Ballo Barôv Bîz Bhôn Bhûrm Bhûm Dhân of the Mug Dâm the Imprisoned Daram Dhârim Wolfsbane Dârn son of Fârn Drârn Drîz Drûhar Dawnwarrior Drûhar Mizim Drûhar Gîm Drûhor Drûiz Drûnin Orc-slayer Drûs Azalidûn Drûs the Bold Dhrûz Dhrûz Gîm Fârn Fhrên Fhûrm Fhûr Ghâl Drûinakh Ghimûn Ghêm Glêm Glôrm Lastking Grîz Mixedblood Grîz Mizim Grûm of Fullagrod Grûn Nûm Grûn Zêm Ghûr Gûrn Gamil Gûrn the Survivor-Lord Gurn Mizim Kûri the Artist Malln the Cold Nhâm Nârn Nauk Zigildûn Gamil Nauk Zigildûn Mizim Nîz Nûiz Nhûm Nûrm Ôrlm Rôn Airr Vigdís Zigum
In LOTRRPG the Stonefoots are referred to as "Vigdis' Folk", a strange decision as Vigdis is supposedly a name of one of the seven fathers, but the name is Norse and actually female.In MERP the tribe is identified as "Bávor's folk".Chinese mythology knows at least two cultures of "short people" or "Dwarfs", the people of Zhou Yao and Jiaoyao.While the people of Zhou Yao , who live in "the east" are described as skillful and wear pointy hats and long belts, could correspond to the Stonefoots, the people of Jiaoyao are described as farmers and could be perhaps compared to Fokirio-Halflings.