A Stone Giant
The origins of the Taulir (Q."Mountainous Giants"; Éo."Stan-Eotenas"; Del."Staniotunur"; S."Gondrim") race were clouded; it was not known if they were created by Morgoth or merely corrupted by him. They were, if it was possible, even less intelligent than Trolls, though Stone-Giants were not always evil (just hungry). Whereas a Troll could be stealthy and quiet, Stone-Giants could be neither. A person could always avoid a Stone-Giant simply by getting out of the way. Also, since their eyesight was poor, it was very easy to hide from a Stone-Giant. A Stone-Giant's primary interest in life was a steady supply of food. A troublesome Stone-Giant needed not be slain; simply provided with regular meals, he would become a friend and ally for life. Due to this intense competition for food, they were generally solitary, but would sometimes get together for a rousing session of boulder-and tree-hurling.Stone- Giants were naturally indolent and not inclined to mayhem unless infuriated. (The destruction that accompanied a Stone-Giant was usually purely accidental.) Some particularly wicked or desperate individuals would eat Men, but most preferred beef or mutton. Though stupid, the Stone-Giant race had learned that preying on the Secondborn generally brought trouble. If caught in the right mood, a Stone-Giant could even be friendly and inclined to chat with a passing stranger.