Lights of Varda
The Stars were lights that illuminated Eä. Some had been made by Eru before the creation of the Ainur, others had later been added by individual Ainur, especially Varda Elentári or had once been Eälar who transformed themselves into celestial bodies.

Stars or Planets[]
- Alcarinquë,Silindo - Jupiter
- Carnil, Gormok - Mars?
- Earendil’s star, Rothinzil,Gil-Estel - the Evening Star, Venus
- Elemmíre - Mercury
- Lumbar, Eneköl, Gyürüchill, Shomorú - Saturn?
- Helluin, Nielluin, Niellúne, Nierninwa, Gil, Ingil, Tilio - Sirius
- Luinil - Neptune or perhaps Uranus, blue Rigel,Spica or Regulus
- Morwinyon, Morwinthi- Arcturus
- Nénar - Neptune
- red Borgil - Aldebaran or Betelgeuse
- red star of Sauron, Blogwir (N) - Algol ?
- Telumehtar, Nielluin, Taimondo, Menelmacar - Orion
- Tengyl, Tankol or Tannacolli - Altair?
- Til - Alpha Andromedae?
- Zingil - Venus
Other (N):
- Alpha Centauri - Filiculumpe
- Andromeda Galaxy - Fanyamar, Fanyaluinë
- Beehive Cluster - Nierwes
- Beta Aquarii - Herendil, Ausirol
- Coma Star Cluster - Hyellehresta
- Double Cluster - Celeg Aithorn, Calmacil
- Epsilon eridani - Menelairë
- Halleys Comet - Vanwaranyar
- Large Magellanic Cloud - Morneluntë
- Messier 7 - Olomboyeldë
- Messier 41 - Titinwë
- Omega Centauri - Calimacomëa
- Orion Nebula - Ezelórë
- Procyon - Menelsamno
- Small magellanic cloud - Mirilyafarma
- Anarríma (Q."Sun-border") - perhaps Virgo or Capricorn?
- Durin’s Crown - Cepheus or perhaps auriga, Andromeda or northern crown
- Menelmakar, Menelvagor, Telumehtar, Telimektar -The Swordsman of the Sky, Orion
- Remmirath,Sithaloth, Sithaloctha, Itselokte - the Netted Stars, Pleiades or Seven Sisters
- Soronúmë - Western Eagle, Aquila
- Telumendil - perhaps Aquarius?
- Tinwithil - perhaps Gemini?
- Valacirca,Edegil, Otselen, Cerch i-Mbelain, the silver Bear, the Silver Wain, The Great Bear, the Burning Briar, the Sickle of the Valar, the Seven Butterflies, the Seven Stars,the Wain - the Big Dipper, great Bear,the plough, Ursa Major
- Wilwarin - “The Butterfly,” Cassiopeia
Other (N):
- Andromeda:Nérenda
- Antlia:Mulmanen
- Aquarius:Nendil
- Apus:Avatal
- Ara: Yangwa
- Aries:Pollo
- Auriga:Raxaron
- Böotes:Hyarron
- Caelum:Telimbo
- Camelopardalis:Andalango
- Cancer:Atsacuima
- Canes venatici:Ronyo
- Canos Major:Arroa
- Canis minor:Pityaroa
- Carina:Ciryahyanda
- Centaurus:Arquen
- Cepheus:Poldacár
- Cepus:Auton
- Chamaeleon:Viryanasto
- Circinus:Cormatyaro
- Columba:Cucua
- Coma Berenices:Finturillë
- Corona Austrina:Romenyaríë
- Corona Borealis:Formenyaríë
- Corvus:Corco
- Crater:Nárëtundo
- Crux:Tarwë
- Cygnus:Alqa
- Delphinus:Ulmondil
- Dorado:Malantur
- Draco:Lheucë
- Equuleus:Pityarocco
- Eridanus:Malicon
- Fornax:Urna
- Gemini:Onóna
- Grus:Lenqelénu
- Hercules:Poldor
- Horologium:Lúma
- Hydra:Lingwëlócë
- Hydrus:Nenilóce
- Indus:Valasindi
- Lacerta:Pityalócë
- Leo:Rauro
- Leo minor:Pityarauro
- Lepus:Lapattë
- Libra:Lunguntë
- Lupus:Narmo
- Lynx:Taurëmiura
- Lyra:Salma
- Mensa:Sarno
- Microscopius:Tixë
- Milky way:Arda (c)
- Monoceros:Eretildo
- Musca:Tsette
- Norma:Formeniel
- Octans:Toltoranta
- Ophiuchus:Lococolindo
- Pavo:Tocotaran
- Pegasus:Vilwarokko
- Perseus:Ohtacaro
- Phoenix:Narwilin
- Pictor:Emmaron
- Pisces:Lingwër
- Piscis austrinus:Halaromen
- Puppis:Luntë
- Pyxis:Colcallë
- Reticulum:Natsë
- Sagittarius:Cúron
- Scorpius:Nastaro
- Sculptor:Ondomaitar
- Scutum:Turma
- Serpens Caput:Lheucëcara
- Sextans:Enqeäranta
- Taures:Mundo
- Telescopium:Palantilla
- Triangulum:Neltil
- Triangulum australe:Romenneltil
- Tucana:Poldonengwë
- Ursa Minor:Pityamorco, Ûldur-Saligit
- Vela:Fanwalarma
- Virgo:Vendë
- Volans:Tyelco
- Vulpecula:Pityarusco
- Ellor - another faraway Planet
- Emberu - another faraway Planet
- Exambar - possibly the Planet to which the continent Aman was removed
- Tekel-Mirim - a removed crystal-world or planet.