St'e was a Sûrk adventurer from Eastern Middle-Earth and a one-time companion of T'revor Arain.He died blinded on the island of Vulm Shryac.
- Aura Helm
All of the following characters had a share in a series of travels along the eastern coasts of Middle-Earth in the early Fourth Age.
- Carnil the Vintner
- Darien
- Kôma of Kôm
- Kraez
- Lindenar
- Mirag
- Namu the Rain-man
- Nandar
- Onree
- Sen Kay
- T'revor Arain
- Vôrn
- Iron Crown Quarterly #4
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!" - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10 |