A spider
Spiders are predatory invertebrate animals that have two body segments, eight legs, no chewing mouth parts and no wings. They are most closely akin to scorpions, mites and ticks, sometimes also harvestmen are called Spiders. All spiders produce silk, Many species use it to trap insects in webs, although there are also many species that hunt freely. Silk can be used to aid in climbing, form smooth walls for burrows, build egg sacs, wrap prey, and temporarily hold sperm, among other applications. Most spiders can inject venom to protect themselves or to kill prey. Only a few species, however, have bites that can pose health problems to humans. Many larger species' bites may be quite painful, but will not produce lasting health concerns. In Middle-Earth besides common Small Spiders, Medium Spiders and Larger spiders there were also the Great Spiders or Giant Spiders which were of demonic origin, believed to be the offspring of the Spider-Demon Ungolianth.
Spiders of Note[]
Attercop Bogbereth Crazy Cob Eagoth Enna San Sarab Gelob Gwethil Lazy Lob Old Tomnoddy Saenathra Shelob Unglob Ungoliant Vorsang
Genealogy of Spider-kind[]
Ungwer or Animal Spiders:
- Cave Spiderlings
- Crag spiders
- Crystal Spiderlings
- Gelyngyl
- Globsnaga Spiders
- Jumping Spiders
- Ki-Mitta
- trapdoor-spiders
- Lightning Spiders or Slota
- Whitefiddle
- Morungol
- Nack spiders
- Ruby Spiders
- Silkspinners
- Tiger Spider or 'Syh-sah
- venom-back spider
- Weavers
- Tarantulas
- Giant Spiders of the East
- Spider-Eagles
- wolfspiders
- Giant Spiders of the North
- ice spiders (Agasiväkh)
- Snow-Spinners
- ice spiders (Agasiväkh)
- Giant Spiders of the Utter South
- fishing spider
- Lion-Spiders
- Spider-Apes
- king spiders
- Pit Spiders
- Mirkwood Spiders
- Ennerlings of Mirkwood
- Black Giant Spiders
- Brown Giant Spiders
- Guardian-Spiders
- Leaping Spiders
- Shiverfang Spiders
- stonespiders
- Great Spiders of Eriador
- Glass-Spiders
- Marsh-Spiders
- Mites
- Scorpions
- Ticks