The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Notes: This map does not include the island group of Vog Mur.

A map of the main island groups of the Southern Archipelago. 

The Southern Archipelago (Ad. Zadûlsûlthâni?) was a number of vast island-chains throughout the Haragaer stretching from the eastern coasts of the Ivory Peninsula, across the Bay of Ormal, and to the southernmost point of the eastern Shelf-lands. Many of these islands were, according to legend, remnants of the ancient isle of Almaren or the Pillar of Ringil.

The largest island-chains were the Irakh-Chain with its largest island, Amirakh, and the Kirakh-Chain with its largest island, Nômirakh; further great islands were Azôn, Arth, Cevra, E-Sorul Sare, Llikh, Mulvayn, Olyad, Vulm Shryac and Vog Mur – eleven island groups in all.

See for archipelago formation:





Other Peoples:

Islands and Island Groups[]

Notes: This map does not include the island group of Vog Mur.

Another map of the Southern Archipelago.

Places of Note[]

  • Âlk Sûrk
  • Alcevrok
  • Arsuon
  • Cuivac Vulmaw
  • Leag Oac
  • Sari
  • Ûon Vûlm
  • Vendikar
  • Vucuon