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A Slayer

In Middle-earth, a Slayer was a Warrior who has overcome a great enemy. For Example a Dragonslayer, Troll-Slayer or Demonslayer.

Famous Slayers:

Assassin Orders[]

The Slayers were a dark Order of chosen Assassins trained by the dark Lord to hunt down the leaders of his Emenies.The Slayers were split into the Northern Slayers (or Mur-Grishi), southern slayers (Or Hasharin) and the Eastern Slayers and were elite Murderers, their most powerful Agents were armed with special sorcerous weapons and sometimes even rode Fell-beasts.

Known members of the Order of Slayers[]


Rolemaster has the professions Assassin, Nightblade and Ninja.In TOR the Slayer is one possible Calling for a character.In regards to the game Background a Slayer is a fighter who seeks to destroy an enemy.In LOTRRPG there is a possible elite-Order for Dwarves, the Dragonslayer.

Further Examples for Slayer-Characters[]

A member of the Clan of Slaymen (Rhovanion)
